Baker, George W. – February 21, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Feb Nashville 21th 1864 tenn Dear wife I am in good helth and i hope this will find you all the same i arived here last night and i dont no when we shal leave here we left grandrhapid last tusday night we past thrue ypsilanty wendesday about 10 o clock i did not no that we was coming that way if i had i should of let you noed it

Fox, Newton P. – February 21, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Bridgeport Ala Feb 21 1864 Dear Brother I received yours of the 14th this morning. You will see by my heading that I am not at Chattanooga. Father [ ? ] here to report to the Lt. Col but found that he had gone to Nashville

Wiser, Alphonso H. – February 20, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Knoxville Tenn Febuary Satuday 20/64 Dear Cosin Lucina I received your most welcome letter and was Glad to hear from you again Lucina I had the pleasure of meating with an old friend of mine I was lying on my bed fast asleep the first thing I knew I was lying on the floor on rooling over

Hutchins, Sabin D. – February 18, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Feb 18th, 64 Dear Sister I have just received your letter and ‘was glad to hear from home. I have been about 3 ½ miles from the camp to day loading sawlogs George and Theodore was out to the boys got here a week ago yesterday all safe and sound Frank Wells has got the measles he was taken with them to day.

Scott, George W. – February 17, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Chattanooga Feb 17th /64 Dear Sister Met After waiting most two weeks for a answer to my first letter I thought I would try and write a little more I am well yet and like the place first rate it has been quite warm here

Jewell, Albert G. – February 17, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

3 Bat 1st Mich Engs and Mechs Chattanooga Feb 17 1864 Sir Enclosed Please find monthly report of officers to whom military supplies have been transferred during the month of January 1864

Baker, George W. – February 16, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Grandrhaapids Feb 16th 1864 Dear parents I will write you a few lines to let you no how i am a getting along i am well at present and hope these few lines wil find you the same we have had our pay and i have exprest it to ypsilanti

Bronson, Spencer – February 16, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp Utley Racine Feb 16th 1864 Dear Sister I took the cars at Beaver Dam Thursday 1240 am the ride from there to Milwaukee was a very pleasant one & I enjoyed myself finely we passed through Horricon Hartford & several others small towns About dark we arrived at Milwaukee but found that the train had just started for Racine

Baker, George W. – February 15, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Grandrhapids Feb 15th 1864 Dear wife I write to you again to let you no how i am agitting along i am in good helth and i hope these few lines will find you and the childrin the same i am here yet but i dont no how long i shal stay here there is som goin to leave here to day and i dont no whether it wil be me or not

Slater, William – February 15, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Head Quarter, Febuay 15th Co. F, First Mich. Engineers + Mechanics Camp 44 N..N.. W R R 1864. To Miss Clark I received your letter to day which I have been looking for this last week back very anxious I rote to George Starkweather yesterday to ask ware you ware and to losons to day I could not tell ware you ware

Whitworth, Herbert – February 14, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Received Feb. 24” 1864 Algoma Feb. 14th 1864 Much Loved Brother for the first time in my life I find myself seated pen in hand preparing to converse with one, who until now has always enjoyed the blessed privileges of home As I sit here this beautiful Sabbath morning I wonder to myself what you are doing O, how diferently will this blessed day be spent from what you have been accostomed to spend it

Merrill, Simeon B. – February 14, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Washington Feb 14th /64 Dear Wife It is Sunday morning but it does not seam much like it here I am well hope this may find you the same we left the fort last Wednesday the 10th in the morning a Steamer came down took us up to the City and there we took the cars for Toledo from there to Cleveland from Cleveland to Pittsburg here we left the cars and was marched into the nicest Hall that I ever saw

Burns, Robert – February 14, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Nashville Tenn February 14, 1864 My dear Davidson Yours of 24th + 31st ult I received a few days ago. I have also received the diary you sent me. Thank you for it. I will forward to you my old one at the first opportunity. I have been here for the last two weeks as a witness at the trial of Col Minty.

Shafer, Marion A. – February 13, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Part Second, Saturday Feb 13th 64 This is a beautiful morning, very much like our October weather in Mich – Yesterday threatened rain, but all such signs have disappeared and we are left “hight and dry” once more.

Whitworth, Herbert – February 12, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Received Feb. 16″ 1864 Camp Moreland Feb. the 12 ’64 Dear Friend Herbert I will now improve on my time for a few moments in writing to you to let you know that we are all well and enjoying our selves verry well indeed. We left Nashville the next Wednesday morning. We met a fellow at the Depot that we was all well acquainted with he was a going to our camp with a lot of provision. We arived at the end of the railroad a bout noon.

Crocker, William W. – February 12, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Harewood Hospital February 12th 1864 Dear Sister, I received your kind letter of January 21st today and was very glad to hear from you and that you were all well. I am not very well at present but I am gaining fast. I am in the hospital at Washington. I have been here about two weeks. I have been examined but do not know yet what will be done with me. I shall try to get a furlough as soon as I am able to get around.

Potter, Charles H. – February 11, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp of 2nd Mich. Cav. near Mothers Ford East Tenn. Feby 11th 1864 E P Potter Esq Dear Sir Yours of the 20th alt was rec’d last evening. I should have another to you long eve this but we have been almost wholly without mail facilaties since the affair of Dec. 24th untill within the past few days. I have written to Capt Johnston or Major Dickey at every opportunity and have explained fully to them the little I could learn from time to time regarding Charley under the supposition that with the poor facilaties for writing they would be better able to decipher my letters

Baker, George W. – February 10, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Grandrapids Feb 10th 1864 Dear Ellin I will write you a few lines to let you no that i am wel exscept a big bile and hope tat these few lines wil find you and the children the same i have just arrived here i found the boyes al wel but chancey hulsted he is quite sick tel mary that thomas tyler had gone

Burns, Robert – February 10, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Office Provost Marshal, Guards and Patriots, Nashville, Tenn., February 10th 1864 Pass Capt Robert Burns to A[ ? ] City at all hours

Whitworth, Herbert – February 9, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Grand Rapids Feb 9 My Very Dear Boy Recd March 8th/64 I received yours last night and I was so glad to get it. I felt very disapointed Saturday night when Uncle came home and said there was no letter, and I expect Walace here to day sometime to so good By as I expect he will go away tomorrow so I thought I would send you a few lines by him, But I shall feel very anxious till I get your next.

Cliff, Horatio T. – February 9, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Crab Orchard, Ky Feb 9 1864 Friend Abbie; I hardly dare look for no expect forgiveness for my long silence, but hope is strong within me

Wiser, Alphonso H. – February 8, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

In Camp near Marysville east tenn febuary the 8 1864 Monday fornoon Wall Sina I set myself down to write these few lines to you to let you know of my helth which is good but in mind it is poor my hart is full as it can be

Paddock, Byron D. – February 7, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp Nelson KY Sunday Feby 7th 1864 My Dear Hattie. Having a few minutes to spare I will improve them by writing to you I have got all things ready for marching and go within an hour. My detachment has increased to about 500 men.

Merrill, Simeon B. – February 5, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Fort Wayn Feb 5th 1864 Dear Wife I thought that I would write a few lines to let you know that I am well I heard from home last night bye way of Elisha Wright he said that he saw Dr Schnylen last Sunday he told him that Fred had been very sick but was better then he said that he you did not think that he would live.