Camp of 5th Mich Cavalry April 22nd 1864 Colonel I have the honor to ask for a leave of absence for fifteen days for the following reasons – I have been with my regiment from its organization nearly twenty months and have never been absent a day –
Forbes, Carey – April 22, 1864
Camp 1st Mich Cav Near Culpeper C. H. , Va. April 22nd 1864 Dear Parents Your kind letter of the 14th inst is received I was very glad to hear from you and to learn that you wer all well.
Merrill, Simeon B. – April 21, 1864
Camp near Brandy Station Virginia April 21st/64 Well Julia I received yours of the 10th on the evening of the 17th just one week from the time that you wrote it and I thought that it was a bully old letter I like to receive such as them for there is something worth reading when you I get them Some of the boys think that I get more than my share
Bissico, Chas – April 21, 1864
Capt R. Stanton Capt Can you give me the amount and kind of ammunition on hand in ammunition column of late 3d Corps. on the 31st of March 1864.
Roor, Frank – April 21, 1864
Grosvenor Branch 3d Div [ ? ] Hosp Alex Va April 21 1864 I hereby certify that Private Francis Roar (recruit) 6th Mich Cav died in this Hospital on April 5 1864. And inmediately prior to his death made this statement (viz) That at the time, that he was taken sick he gav $60 1/100 to a comrade by the name of “Jones” of his Company, which said Jones agreed to forward to Mrs Roar mother of deceased. He said that $72 1/100 was all the Bounty he ever received. A. E. Carothers A. Surgeon of Van Branch
Hutchins, Sabin D. – April 21, 1864
Chattanooga, Tenn Apr 21th 1862 Dear Sister Mariette It is with great that I take my pen to answer your kind letter which I received Apr the 15th it found me acording to your wishes well and I hope this will find you the same I got Netts letter day before yesterday and I shall answer it as soon as I can get around to it
Berdan, Harrison – April 20, 1864
Camp of 5th Michigan Cavalry April 20th 1864 Colonel, I have the honor to enclose here with a Commission as Second Lieutenant by the Governor of the State of Michigan; and a certificate of the Assistant Commissary of Musters of the First Cavalry Division to the effect that I can be Musterd into the Service when discharged
Rosegrant, Ithmar – April 19, 1864
Cleveland, Tenn April 19, 1864 Dear Friend I will take the present opportunity to write you a few lines. I received your letter about a week ago and it found me well and I hope that these few lines will find you the same. It has been a long time since I had heard from you and I had almost given up looking for one.
Norris, Clinton F. – April 18, 1864
Nashville Tenn April 18th 64 Friend Ettie I guess you will begin to think by this time that I have ceased “to be” but if you do, you will change your mind on receiving this, I have neglected to answer your letter which contained your likeness, I thank you verry kindly for such a pretty likeness and have often looked at it with the wish that I could see the original
Hogmire, Mitchell H. – April 17, 1864
Camp at St Louis Mo April 17 Dear Wife I have a few moments to spare and will improve them by replying to you letter which bears date of April 10th which was received last night and you can judge how it was perused. I was much pleased to hear of your good health and can say as much of myself and comrades.
Mills, Samuel D. – April 17, 1864
Camp 6th Mich Cav Stevensburg Va. April 17th /64 Dear Friend Kate I received your letter bearding date April 10th and was glad to hear from you but was surprised to hear that you thought that I was mad at you when I had never thought of the thing
Higgins, Nelson – April 17, 1864
Co 4th Mich Columbia Tenn April 17 We left Nashville the 14th and was 2 days and a half coming to this place. We staid in the woods by the side of the rode. We traveled over some of the roughest country that you ever see. Hills as big as you ever saw and trees some of them were round and run up to a peak. Yesterday morning we forded the river. It was up to the horses side and about 10 rods wide. We are here in Camp and the prospect is that we will stay here sometime and if we do you will hear from me often.
Potter, Charles H. – April 16, 1864
Head-Quarters, First Cavalry Division Dept. of the Cumberland April 16, 1864 General In answer to your telegraph of April 14th I have the honor to state, that the Commanding Officer of the 2 Mich is being applied to for information concerning Robert Charles Potter Co F of that Regt, returned for answer that there was no man of that name in his command.
Phelps, George – April 16, 1864
April the 16 1864 Camp near Stevensburg Va Dear wife it is with pleasure that i now take this opportunit of adressing a few lines to you to let you know that iam well at present and hope that these few lines may find you the same it is a raining here to day and iam on guard
Allen, John – April 16, 1864
Capt. I have the honor to enclose certifficate of Jacob Bristol. A.C. of M. 3rd Division Cavalry Corps + respectfully ask that I may be discharged as per certifficate
Allen, James – April 16, 1864
Capt I have the honor to enclose certificate of Jacob Bristol, A.C. of M. 3rd Division Cav’y Corps and respectfully ask that I may be discharged, as per certificate.
Hutchins, Sabin D. – April 15, 1864
Saturday, Chattanooga Apr 15th 1864 Dear Sister Mariette I take my pen to inform you that I am well and never was better contented in my life than I be here I have just been up to camp and seen the boys. Ike is in the hospittle he has had the chill fever he looks pretty bad but he is getting better the rest of the boy are all well
Ferry, James – April 15, 1864
Camp near, Stevensburg, PA April 15th, 1864 Friend Wily, I am getting anxious to hear from Kalamorso and thought I would write a few lines to you. I hope you are all enjoying good health. I arrived her at the heat of War, safe and well. I am noe a good ways from home, but the many kind friends of Kalamorso are in my mind.
Merrill, Simeon B. – April 14, 1864
Camp near Brandy Station Virginia April 14th/64 Dear Wife Although it seems a long time since I have heard from you I think it cannot be a great while since you have heard from me for I have written every week according to promice, I received one from you the 2nd and answered it the 3rd and on the 8th wrote again
Hogmire, Mitchell H. – April 11, 1864
Camp at St Louis, MO. April 11 Dear Wife It is to answer your kind letter that came to hand last night that I have seated myself It found me enjoying life first best and I can truly say that I was glad to hear that you was tolerable well for I have feared I should hear you was sick every time I have received a letter from you.
1st Michigan Light Artillery – April 10, 1864
The 23d [ ? ] Corps will be reorganized as follows, to take effect on the 11 [ ? ] Attached to 2nd Division, Comd by Brig Genl H M Judah Battery “F” 1st Mich Artillery
Scott, George W. – April 10, 1864
Chattenooga April 10, 1864 Dear Mett I received your welcome letter dated the March 28th and was more than glad to hear from you and glad to hear that you was well and I am well as usual and so is the resst of the boys except Ike he is quite unwell at present but I guess he will soon bee well.
Potter, Charles H. – April 8, 1864
Head-Quarters Cavalry Depot, Camp Smith Nashville, Tenn, April 8 1864 Mr. Potter Dear Sir: In all this time I have been unable to learn any more facts concerning your son Charles I have heard several times from the Regts and written in particular about him but can learn nothing satisfactory. Hempstead, Orderly of our Co (now a Lt) writes me that he has heard nothing more of him.
Libbey, Hiram – April 8, 1864
Louisville ky Aprile the 8, 1864 Dear brother & sister I take this opertunity of Wrighting you a few lines to let you Know how I am I have not ben Very well lately but feel better Now one doctor said I had the Chronic bronchitis & this one hear Says it is the chronic pleiursey but I guess they dont either of them know & I hope when this reaches you it will Find you all well