Brattleboro V.A. June 27th 1864 Dear Marys. I told you I would not write and I dont intend to. Asman is gaining again and the Surgeon tells me he can go home with me if I will wait a day or two. he expects an order to transfer him to Montpelier and he will be furloughed from there.
Marston, William H. – June 26, 1864
Finley Gen’l Hospital June 26th 1864 Lieut. Wheeler:/Dear Friend, I arrived at this hospital on the morning of the 24th inst. in as good condition as could be expected under the circumstances of the case. My leg is very painful indeed, but the surgeon here thinks that it will heal up, but will take some time to do so. I would like you to see the col. and have him do for me as he agreed to do
Burns, Robert – June 25, 1864
Head-Quarters 1st Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Division, Department of the Cumberland, Foot of Kennesaw Mt, G’a June 25th 1864. My dear Davidson My time being my own for the next hour unless “boots and saddles” should sound. I will again talk to you a little. You are getting a great deal behind in your correspondence.
Burns, Robert – June 25, 1864
Head-Quarters 1st Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Division, Department of the Cumberland, Near Kennesaw Mountain, Ga June 25th 1864 My dear Mother Since mine of June 4th to you we have been marching hither and thither in this country doing our share of hard work and fighting. On the 9th 11th 15th 19th 20th and 23d we (our brigade) were fighting.
Chipman, Hobart H. – June 23, 1864
Head Quarters 6th Michigan Cavalry In the field, 23d June 1864 Captain, I have the honor to ask that I may be discharged from the service of the United States as an enlisted man to enable me to accept promotion in my Regt. as 1st Lieut.
Burns, Robert – June 23, 1864
Head-Quarters 1st Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Division, Department of the Cumberland, Somewhere in Cobb Co. G’a June 23d 1864. My dear Davidson I have but a moment to write as I am about starting for Big Shanty to see some of our wounded men. We were in a severe fight on Sunday the 20th The 4th Michigan lost 11 killed 23 wounded and 6 missing.
Fox, Newton P. – June 23, 1864
Hd. Qrs. Detach. 1st Mich Engrs Stevenson Ala. June 23d 1864 My Darling Mother We received yours of June 16th to day. You don’t know how bad it makes me feel to think our darling boy has been so sick and I am thankful to an overruling providence that when you wrote he was on the gain. I cant help but think how lonely and bad you must have felt when all alone tending “our baby” when he was so very sick.
Scott, George W. – June 22, 1864
Chattanooga Tenn June 22nd 1864 Dear Sister I received your letter day before yester day and was very glad to hear from you and to hear that you was well and enjoying your self so well I am well as usual and enjoying my self first rate
Paddock, Byron D. – June 20, 1864
Hd Qrs Battery F 1st Mich Arty Near Marietta GA June 20th 1864 My Dear Hattie. Again after the [ ? ] of second days I have a few minutes spare time. And am going to answer your letter for at last one has come to hands. You will percious by the heading of my letters that I am changing my location about as often as the wind changes.
Slack, Joseph B. – June 18, 1864
Sir: Your return of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores pertaining to Company D 16” Michigan Infantry for apart of 4th quarter of 1863 has been examined in this office, and referred to the Second Auditor for settlement.
Hogmire, Mitchell H. – June 17, 1864
DuValls Bluff June 17th /64 Dear Wife I have a few moments to spare and will improve them by answering your lette of June 7th You may be assured that it was perused with the greatest of pleasure it found me enjoying life as well as could be expected under circumstances All of the rest of the boys are well Edwin received a letter [chewed] Mother dated the same as mine
Camp, James – June 17, 1864
Decatur Ala June 17/64 Dear parents I will write you a few lines to let you know that I am well although I am away down south in Dixie the regiment took the cars at Nashville about one oclock on the eleventh and arrived at Stevenson ala about two the next morning we were not relieved at the Mag until about two hours after the regiment left and we did not start till six oclock
Wiser, Alphonso H. – June 16, 1864
June the 16 1864 Waterloo City Thursday Eve. [chewed away] Cousin Frone I recived your welcome letter some [chewed away] would have answered it before but I [chewed away] to get my picture taken before I answered your letter. Frone I know you felt bad when you wrote to me before on a count of Perrys death which I am very sorry indeed about
Eaegle, William – June 16, 1864
Duvalls Bluff Ark June 16th 1864 My Dear Em I now seat myself to write a fiew lines to you, to let you know that we are all well at present and i hope when this reaches you it may find you enjoying the same blessing, i have just recieved your letter
Wasson, Thomas – June 15, 1864
Carter Creek Station Tenn June the 15th 1864 Dear Mett I take up my pen to redeem my promise to you If you never get this I suppose the crime will be none the less but it will be some consulation to have a clear concience
Slater, William – June 14, 1864
Head Quarters, First Reg. Michigan Co. F, Engineers and Mechanics Camp Brigeport Alabama June 14th 1864 With intention as I have maid up my mind to send you a few more lines as I do not geel satisfied abot the matter I did not think as Mr. Lawson was such a man as he is I though that there ware some thing long with not riting to me no more but you never mind it will do him no good
Hogmire, Mitchell H. – June 13, 1864
June 13 64 DuValls Bluff May Dear Wife I have a little spare time and improve it by writing to you this leaves us all well as can be expected there is not much sickness now in the regt now only Dysentery We are now doing Infantry Duty on our Regt But I am on a Detail at town putting up Wagons with 30 other
Baxter, Edwin – June 12, 1864
G Rapids Mich June 12th 1864 Dear Cousin Mary Gardner says you offer to answer my last letter after I have written it This is very kind in you and I cannot complain that it is not fair. I have many times thought of writing to you and also to Aunt Harriet – your mother – but I have not known the P. O. address of either of you lately and besides I have perhaps been rather negligint of writing.
Burns, Robert – June 12, 1864
Head Qrs 1st Brig. 2d Cav’y Div Ten miles from Marietta Ga June 12, 1864 My dear Davidson Again I have an opportunity of dropping you a few lines. We lying still to-day for some cause possibly because it is Sunday, or may be because we can not get any farther just at present.
Scott, George W. – June 12, 1864
Nelsons Ferry Tenn June 12th 1864 Mett how ar you by this time I am well as usual and enjoying my self first rate I received your kind letter day before yesterday and was very glad to hear from you
Hutchins, Sabin D. – June 12, 1864
May June 12th 1864 Dear Sister I will now try to answer your letter which I recd [ ? ] the eighth dated [ ? ] the 24th there was a bridge burned down out by lookout Mountain and we dident get any mail for sometime your letter found me well as usual and that was pretty well. George was pretty awhile ago but he is getting quite tough again, we are about eighteen miles from Chattanooga rafting lays and timber.
Eaegle, William – June 11, 1864
Duvills Bluff Ark June 11th 1864 My Dear Em I now seat myself to write a fiew lines to you in answer to yours of the 27th which i recieved yesterday it found me in good health and i hope when this reaches you it will find you enjoying the same blessing
Cherry, Henry – June 10, 1864
Duplicate Knoxville Tenn. June 10th 1964 Hon Amos Gould, Dear Sir, I write you under some excitement & some indignation. On my return I found myself welcomed by Officers & men, & sincerely so. As soon as opportunity offered Col F called me aside & told me how grievously & shamefully he had been treated by certain officers, & he was enraged. I of course had heard nothing, & knew nothing & report nothing to any man.
Clay, John – June 9, 1864
June 9 1864 Little Rock Arkansas Dear cousin i received your letter may 25 we was glad to here that you was all well but i was sorry to heare of georges missfortune