Clark, Egbert B. – July 11, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Boonsboro Md. July 11″ 1863 My Dearest Wife, It has been a number of days since I have written you but it is thungh my and of mine as we have our on the move so much it has seen imposible for me to write.

Crull, Thomas J. – July 9, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp of the 19th IND. VOLS. South Mountain Pass, MD. July 9th 1863 Dear Mother, I received your letter the other evening and was very glad to head from you and to hear that you was well. I suppose that you have heard all about the great Battle of Gettysburg Pennsylvania. Our regt, was engaged in it and lost two hundred and thirty nine men 239.

Smith, Watson B. – July 9, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Lawrenceburg, Ky July 9th, 1863 Dear Father, To show you that I am as strong as ever and have entirely recovered from my sickness, I must give some account of the march we have just had and are yet through with in search of Genl. Jno. Morgan.

Clark, Gardner B. – July 8, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Grand Rapids. July 8th 1863 Dear Mary I suppose what you want to know most of all is if we have got a letter for you from Gardner. well yes I have got one that I received yesterday. he was one mile from the Pennsylvania line. they were after Lee and they were expecting to have a hard fight. and that they have had and the report is that they have drove the rebels from Pennsylvania and they are following them up.

Kalsaw, William – July 8, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Baltimore, Maryland July 8th, 1863 Captain Edwards! Sir: I do here by notify you, and to let you know where I am. I am in Baltimore and treated very well. The ladies come to see us everyday and bring us something to eat, and dress our wounds. We have very fine beds. They were going to send me to Philadelphia at first, but the doctors thought it best for me to stay because I was not able to be transported. My wound is very bad.

Burns, Robert – July 4, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp at Dechard at foot of Cumberland Mts. Tenn. July 4, 1863 My dear Davidson Here we are I believe to rest one day, having arrived last evening. I can hardly call it a camp having no tents or baggags with us. Bragg has escaped over the mountains and whether we are to pursue him or not I cannot say, not being entirely in Genl. Rosecran’s confidence, I suppose the rebel army is now in Chattanooga that part of it which has not been captured and scattered by us.

Clark, Egbert B. – July 4, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp for breakfast 2nd Brigade Near Gettysburg, Pa. July 4th, 1863 My Dearest Wife, I have just a minute to spare and write to let you know that we were in the action yesterday and I escaped without a scratch. Our Co. lost several killed, wounded and missing.

Clark, Gardner B. – July 2, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Sparta Centre July Dear Mary: I believe the last time that I saw you I promised to write to you. That soldier has come home and he has promised to write with me. He has been discharged and has come home now to stay. I suppose you are acquainted with Mary Swinson. I saw her a few days ago. Poor Mary! I pity her so; She takes her soldiers death very hard.

Wiser, Alphonso H. – July 2, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

July the 2 1863 Camp near Danford Ky Wall Lucian as i once more take the opertunety of seting my self down to write afew lines to you to let you know that i am well and tuff and hope these few lines will find you the same

VanValkenburgh, George W. – July 2, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

South Western Telegraph Company Nashville July 2, 1863 to Cousin George I arrived back to this place June 2nd. We were all through Knoxville Chattanooga Stevenson Ala and Tullahoma. Just after we crossed the Tennessee River coming back they found we were in the country but did not know our business They started some cavalry after me who follwed me 80 miles when I took to the mountain and they lost all trail of me

Shafer, Marion A. – July 2, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Explanation of this letter I send this. I could send more – This letter was written by my Sister and sent to me while sick in armory Square Hospital

Hopkins, Nelson – July 1, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Nashville, Tennessee Julye the 1 1863 Dear Friends I take my pen to let you know that I am weel and injoying good health, and I hope you are engoying the same blessing. I receved yours of the 19 every thing is quiet as Nashville but thire is sum hard fighting at the front.

Smith, Watson B. – July 1, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp Nelson Near Hickman Bridge, Kentucky July 1st, 1863 Dear Father, There is nothing of importance since my last. Colonel Stockton is still in command of this Post and I am still with him at Headquarters. I wrote Uncle Howard last evening asking him to use his influence to secure the promotion of Colonel Stockton to Brigadier General.

Winchell, Edward A. – June 28, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Snyders Bluffs 28 June 1863 Dear Cousin Emma It has been some time since I wrote to you and not knowing whether the folks at home are dead or alive. I thought you might be able to let me know. I have not received a word from home since I received that box from your father. I think it is too bad.

Miller, Charles E. – June 27, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

I certify on honor that the above account is correct and just that Private Charles E Miller was held as Prisoner of War during the time above mentioned Alex C. McKenzie Lt. Comd Co K. 8th Mich Vol

Smith, Watson B. – June 27, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp Nelson Hickman’s Ridge, Kentucky June 27th 1863 Dear Brother Howard, Now what shall I say to my little brother this rainy evening? I presume he would like a variety of little items about camp life. The men carry on their horses, their blankets, tents, etc., and in their haversacks their knife, fork, spoon, cup and plate so that when they halt for meals or for the night everything is handy and ready for use.

Burns, Robert – June 26, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp in woods 8 miles South of Murfrees June 26, 1863 My dear Davidson Here we are on the march Southward. We left camp on the morning of the 24th and have been in the rain since. Our army is slowly moving, but is almost stopped by the mud.

Wiser, Alphonso H. – June 25, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

June the 25 1863 Wall Lucian my dear wife i have just recived your letter and was glad to hear from you that is so i am well and tuf and can eat any thing but if i was with you i could injoy myself better than i do

Smith, Watson B. – June 25, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

In Camp near Hickmans Bdg June 25 1863 Dear Father Yours of the 19th was handed me this evening by the Postmaster just from Mt. Sterling with the regiment. You need feel no farther anxiety about my health for it is very good now and I feel as well as I have since leaving Michigan. I have written to you nearly every three days since leaving home, do you get all my letters?

Hogmire, Mitchell H. – June 25, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp near Lagrange Bonesteel is well Write when you are going home June 25th 63 Dear Wife Jane I have just seated myself to write you a few lines knowing that you by this time would like to hear from me when last I wrote to you we were about to go out on a scout & now we have just returned from one that may be interesting to you But before I proceed let me say we are all well but Edwin & he looks rather bad he has been sick for nearly a week but is now getting better

Rowland, Oran W. – June 25, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp of the 3rd Mich Cavy LaGrange Tenn. June 25th 1863 Aunt Sophia: Since I last wrote to you we have participated in some exciting scenes. I will not make any apologies for not writing any sooner for after you read my letter you will readily excuse me for you will see that I hve not had a great deal of time to devote to letter writing.

Rogers, Robert – June 24, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Lexington June 24th/63 Dear Sister, I received yours of the 14th and 22nd and was glad to hear from you and to hear that you were well. I have been quite unwell since I wrote to you but am some better now but am very weak yet. We have been on forced marches and I have been along all but two days.

Burns, Robert – June 23, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Near Murfreesboro June 23, 1863 9 P.M. My dear Davidson We are to move in the morning “sure” this time. Part of the army has already gone and probably before you receive this you will see our movements in the papers.

Franklin, Luther – June 22, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Convalescent Camp near Alexandria June 22 Dear Parents As you will see by the heading of this letter that I am here I got here one week ago today how long I shall stay here I cant tell I have been quite sick for the past four days