Pullman, Walter – August 12, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp Hillsboro Penn Augest the 12th 63 Dear Sister I received your kind and welcome letter the 10th of Augest and was varey glad to hear from you and glad to hear that you was so well your letter found me as well as could be expected it is very warm here and we have plenty of duty to do I have not hurd from Park or harvey for fore weeks and I donot know what to think about it Maggie I am very sorey that you have not go those pictures the man that I sent them by was first Lieutenant in the 2 Mich. Infan.

Way, William C. – August 10, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Gettysburg Aug 10/63 Capt. A.M. Edwards I received your favor of the 7th this evening -glad to hear from you and the regiment. I read your letter to the boys – they were much pleased to hear from you -All are doing well but – W. W. Sands – hope he will live -Lieut. – Col. F. & Capt. R. started for home this morning

Wiser, Alphonso H. – August 8, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

ky Camp near Standford August the 8 1863 Wall my dear and beloved wife i now set my self down to rite a few lines to you to let you know how i am and how i git a long i am well at present and hope these few lines may find you the same

Wight, Edwin B. – August 7, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Detroit August 7, 1863 Dear Captain, I received your letter and accompanying package in due season and I enclose here with an X Greenback of which please appropriate 5. for the straps with my thanks for your trouble in procuring them and give the other 5 to my Contraband (Henry).

Edwards, Albert M. – August 7, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

august – friday – the 7 1863 annapolis Wa D.C. to Capt Wm) Edward Capt. i take this opertunity to Let you know that i am – yit – a – Live – yit and- wish- to- her that you ar well and i want to her how [ ? ] our Loses an I an Nat- to- [ ? ] i – an Sow wek i an out of muney.

Russell, Peter – August 6, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Lebanon, KY August 6, A.D., 1863 Well, Hiram I got your letter the 5th and was glad to hear from you and Hellen. I am well at the present time. Well sir times is very good with me now. The longer I stay in the war the better I like it so I will take it as easy as I can. Hiram, it is too bad for W’m B. to have so much trouble about my old clothes and trunk.

Smith, Watson B. – August 5, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Headquarters, 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 23rd Army Corps Camp Nelson August 5th 1863 Dear Father, We moved here Sunday PM. The 2nd unit coming by rail from Covington to Nicholsville. The camp has been moved from its former pleasant ground to one in the woods where the axe had to be used to make roads and places for tents.

Graves, Ira – August 4, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Headquarters Co A, 2nd Reg. Michigan Volunteer Cavalry 1st Reg’t 1st Brigade, Ist Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland Camp, Near Fayettiville Aug. 4, 1863 Dear Clara I write you a few more lines I got a letter from you last night part from you and part from your father

Hogmire, Mitchell H. – August 3, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp near Lagrange Tenn. August 3rd 63 Dear Uncle & Aunt, It is with pleasure I take this opportunity of informing you of my present health which is very good & so if all of the rest of the boys. Edwin has been sick but he is well now hope this may find you well & enjoying life which of course you are for there is nothing to prevent as I can see

Oliver, John M. – August 2, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Head-Quarters 4 Division 13 Army Corps August 2 1863 Sir. I take great pleasure in recommending Col John M. Oliver of the 15th Michigan Vols for appointment to Brigadier General. I have served in the field with Col Oliver since the battle of Shiloh & had ample opportunity to observe his deportment as an officer in camp and in the field of battle.

Hogmire, Mitchell H. – August 1, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp at Lagrange Tenn August 1st 63 Dear Parents I have seated myself to pen a few lines to let you know that I am well & hope you are the same Edwin is well now he received a letter from you stating you had sent a box to him if I had known that he had sent for a box of things I would have tried to make him think it best to get along without it but he wrote when I was down in Missippi I guess he got homesick for he looked rather blue when he came back

Hogmire, Mitchell H. – July 28, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Tenn Camp at Lagrange July the 28 Dear Friends as I have just come off from picket I thought I would write I should have wrote before but have been on picket every other day for three weeks and a fellow comes off from picket and he does not feel like writing much after being up all night. There is not much new but what there is favorable to us.

Dillon, Richard S. – July 28, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Detroit July 28, 1863 Captain Edwards, Dear Sir, I will give you some account of myself since I last saw you in the streets of Gettysburg with the colors in your hands. I remained in the Court House Hospital two days, and then went to the house of Mr. Harpers

Brewer, Melvin – July 28, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Sir I respectfully recommend as worthy of promotion Sergeant James B. Lyon of this regiment. He merits promotion for universal good conduct and [ ? ] bravery in many actions.

Graves, Frank – July 27, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Copy Head Quarters 8th Mich Vols Milldale Miss July 27th 1863 Special Orders 1st Lieut A. C. McKenzie commanding Co K will immediately order 2nd Lieut Darling Co K in arrest and confined to his quarters until further orders By order of Frank Graves Col.

Fullington, George W. – July 27, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

HEADQUARTERS Co F, 2nd Reg. Michigan Volunteer Cavalry Camp, at Salem, July 27th, 1863 My Dear Aunt Emily, I received your kind letter of the 16th it found me in the best cind of health and was very glad to hear that it left you the same I am glad to think that I am thought so much of

Burns, Robert – July 26, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

1st Brigade 2d Cavalry Div July 26, 1863. Salem Tenn My dear Brother By the enclosed $250 you will see that the Paymaster has been making us his welcome visit. Please credit it on my side of the ledges and let me known whether it reaches you safely. If you don’t get it, be Irish enough to write at once.

Rogers, Robert – July 26, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp Nelson July 26th/63 Dear Sister, I received your letter last Friday and was glad to hear from you. I wrote to you the other day and directed it to Richland so I thought I would write again today. My health is getting pretty good now. Erastus is well. He is on guard today. Our Regiment is scattered a good ways now. The most of them left the night of the 21st after Morgan.

Edwards, Albert M. – July 25, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Detroit July 25-/63 Capt A M Edwards Com of 24th Mich Dear Capt. The Dr. forbids all extra use + strain of either eye but this [ ? ] my anxiety to hear from the Regt. nor so great as to lead one to break this order + send this line of querie to you.

Potter, Charles H. – July 24, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Faetteville Tennessee July 24th 1863 Dear Father After so long a time I have at last the opportunity to write a few lines to you. to let you know how I am getting along. the boys are all well & in fine spirits and I consider myself one of the best as far as good health goes.

Rogers, Robert – July 23, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp Near Ky River July 23/63 Dear Sister I received your letter the other day and was glad to hear that you were well we have been moving about so so much that I don’t get a chance to write when I want to we are camped in the woods close to the Ky River this is the fourth Camping ground we have had

Smith, Watson B. – July 23, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Pomeroy, Ohio July 23, 1863 Dear Mother, I wrote Father a few lines right after we had routed Morgan at Buffington Island near Portland – this states informing you all of our success and of my safety. This chase of ours is, I think, the longest on record in this country. It was a very fatiqueing march with little sleep & short rations. Many were left along the line completely worn out but strange as it may seem, I stood it better day by day and never felt stringer and better than I do now.

Gleason, Joseph A. – July 22, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp 10 Mich. Murfresboro, Tenn. July 22, 1863 Dear Brothers I received your letter in due time we was then in Nashville. we started from there on the 20 and arrived here last midnight. We marched 18 miles the 1 day and 12 yesterday. I don’t know how long we shall stay here but hope we shall go on to the front. the weather is cool and quite comfortable.

Pullman, Walter – July 21, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp Sitsboro Tenn July 21 ’63 Dear Sister it is with the greatest of Pleasure that I have a few spare moments this afternoon to direct a few lines to you to let you know how I am a getting along I am quite well I left Louisville the 17th and got here last night I was fore dayes and three nights I came through whare the 19th was camped day before yesterday but I did not see any of the days that I knew I sent you thim pictures did you get them