Glasgow, Ky Nov. Sunday 15 63…. Cosin Lucina I received you most welcome letter and was glad to hear from you your note found me well and I I do hope this may find you as it leaves me tougher than a cus happier than a [ ? ] in hell or any other [ ? ]
Baxter, Theophilus R. – November 13, 1863
[E Plurisus L’Num] Head Quarters, Co. F, 2d Reg. Michigan Volunteer Cavalry. Camp, at Winchester Tenn Nov 13th, 1863. Dear Mary I seat my self to answer yours of the third which I recieved this morning and was glad to get it and to hear that you are wel I am as wel as usual I am troubled some with the rheumatism in my wright hand and shoulder I recieved yours and a picture last week after about 6 weeks travil
Potter, Charles H. – November 12, 1863
Winchester. Nov 12th 1863 Dear Father After three days Hard marching I find my self at this place also three or four letters from home & the paper & envelope & stamp you spoke of it is the first letter I have had from home in over two months. was very glad to hear that you was in such good health. before we left the Ferry.
Clark, Gardner B. – November 12, 1863
Army of the Potomac Near Brandy Station V.a. Nov. 12th 1863 My Mary. My Own Darling Wife. It is nearly a week since I have had time to converse with you. Before day break of the 7th we broke camp and moved to Kelleys Ford on the Rappahannock a distance of some ten or twelve miles. which place we reached about noon. Our Regt. was immediately deployed as skirmishers
Squire, Linus T. – November 10, 1863 – November 11, 1863
Hd Qrs. 11th Mich V. I. Chattanooga Nov. 10th 1863 Dear Cousin Phil. Perhaps you think that I have given up the idea of writing you again but how some[ ? ] let not your heat be troubled for I have no idea of breaking up the correspondence with you although I don’t get an opportunity to write as often as I would wish. It has been so long since I have recd a letter from, or written one to you, that I have quite forgotten which wrote last
Chalker, George N. – November 10, 1863
Camp near Kelley’s Ford Nov the 10th, 1863 Dear Friends, Again the bright dawn is a shining on the 26th in the valley below the mountains, the Rapidan and the Rappahannock. I saw one of the most beautiful scenes this morning that I think I ever saw in my trails and I have seen a good portion of seven states as you soon shall see.
Charles – November 8, 1863
Nov 12. 63 Nov 8 63 My dear brother The prescription is exactly right and I [ ? ] you to continue it for the present.
Wallace – November 8, 1863
Sun morn Nov. 8th/63 Dear Uncle, Aunt, Cousens & Friends: Two weeks ago, I bid you all good by that I might have a part in putting down the would be destroyer of our republic. Many were the fears then expressed, that I should not be able to withstand the vigors of a soldiers life.
Lewis, George W. – November 6, 1863
Dear Father I will send you these chestnuts and some Persimmon seeds I saved quite a number but they got smashed in my pocket and these are all that are left perhaps you would like try them to see if they will grow I presume it would be as well to lay them up till spring they will not need any freezing
Clark, Gardner B. – November 5, 1863
Army of the Potomac Nov. 5th 1863 My Mary. My Own Dear Wife. We are still inactive though reports thick and fast have been our guests since my last to you. Time flies so swiftly I hardly know when my last to you was written. of one thing I am certain no word from you has reached me since.
Campbell, James – November 4, 1863
Camp Convelessant Virginia Nov 4th/63 Mr. & Mrs. Snook Since you heard from me last I have been plaised on the sacred soil again, and looks more gloomy & forsaken, more dessolate than ever, for while at Annapolis I was favored with the opportunity of looking out on a living cultivated world, but here all is dead or dying except soldiering, forts, cannon, rifle pits & breastworks.
Clark, Gardner B. – November 3, 1863
Berlin Vermont November 3d 1863. My Darling Husband, I have received eight letters since writing you last Saturday. three from you two from mother, one from Celia, one from Father, and one from Annie. I went to Moretown with John and Ellen Sunday and we had started to go back and got nearly to the foot of the mountain when Aunt Sophia over took us, she had been to Mothers after me, and I come back with her.
Fox, Perrin V. – November 3, 1863
Chattanooga Nov. 3rd 1863 My Dear Eda I scratch a few moments while waiting for some trains to write to you. We have never been more busy than for the last few days. You may not know how straitened this army has been in consequence of the roads being almost impassable & supplies could not reach us.
Granger, Henry W. – November 3, 1863
Headquarters 3 Div Cav Dep[ ? ] Gaibon Point DC General orders No. No 3 1863 Capt B. M. Thompson 7th Reg Mich Cav having been granted leave of absence. 1 [ ? ] Charles H. Safford 5th Reg Mich Cav. will take command of Detachment 2 Brig 3 Div until farther orders.
Drake, Addison T. – November 2, 1863
Q. M. Dept Nov 2 1863 Col Dr Sir I have 20 teams that went to Stevenson last week & reached that place about the 25th ult. I understand indirectly that they have not started from Stevenson but for what reason I cannot say. The Wagon Master in Charge is named Samuel [ ? ].
Clark, Gardner B. – November 1, 1863
Camp near Bealton Station November 1st 1863 My Mary. My Own Loved Wife. Yours of Oct. 24th I received some days since. Where we were has slipped my memory. I dont pretend to know in the morning when I get up. Where I am. One day last week the ground was staked off and winter quarters ordered to be built. before daylight the next morning we were packed up and ready to march
Hogmire, Mitchell H. – October 31, 1863
Corinth Oct 31st, ‘63 Dear Parents, I have seated myself to answer your kind letter that came to hand last night was glad to hear of your good health & now I will give you a idea of ours. I have had the Ague & fever & been very sick but now I am all right Milan is in the Hospital But tell Aunt Evoline not to wory about him as he has got so he is around & haves the best of care
Wiser, Alphonso H. – October 30, 1863
Oct the 30 1863 Camp near Granvill east tennesse wall my wife as this day finds me with pen in hand to write a few lines to you to let you know that i am well at present and hope these few lines may find you the same as for me i am all rite and tite
Chalker, George N. – October 30, 1863
October 30th, 1863 Well, I must write you a few more lines this morning after we have had a brigade drill of three hours long. I had got a camp journal and I shall send it out with mail that will go this evening. It tells some of our camps in Virginia and other places and our tramp through the state of New York and the city.
Tyler, Cyril H. – October 30, 1863
Oct 30 I said our guns carried a large Slug ball with a hollow at the but So when the powder strickers it it swells the ball and fills the creases and makes it Shoot true I shot my gun off Sunday
Graves, Ira – October 30, 1863
Tenn Oct 30 63 Deckard Stasion Dear Clara It is with much plasher that I once more set down to write you, I halve nothen to do to day but to write to you and so I will try to write you a good long letter.
Chalker, George N. – October 29, 1863
Camp in the Woods Headquarters 1st Brigade, 1st Division 2nd Corps. Oct the 29th, 1863 Dear Father & Mother & sisters. I sent you a few lines yesterday and last night after dark a spell as I lay on my bed a talking with Will. The orderly came with the mail and then there was I around each man eager to hear from his home. They called off several names and finally George’s name was called over three times.
Shafer, Marion A. – October 29, 1863
Dismounted Camp M.D. Oct 29” 1863 Dear Father Mother Brother and Sisters You will see by this that I have left the Hospital. And am in the Dismounted Camp in Maryland. I left the Hospital on Tuesday. went to the Soldiers Retreat, and staid there untill the next morning.
Shafer, Marion A. – October 26, 1863
US Hospital Washington D.C. Monday Oct 26th 63 Dear folks at home – I thought I would write a few lines this morning. The weather has been and is cold yet and what makes it seem more cold, we dont have any fire. The sun made its appearance this morning about sunrise.