Wiser, Alphonso H. – February 5, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

In In Camp near Little Crick East Tennessee Febuary the 5 1864 Wall Sina I just recived a letter from you and was Glad to her from you Sina is all wall and tuff as a bare and was Glad to her of you bing well Sina I hant heard from you in 6 weeks

Wright, Alfred G. – February 5, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Mission Ridge Rossville, GA Feb. 5, 1864 Mr. Jonathan Curry, Dear Friend, I thought that would be no harm in trying to write a few lines to us Dack is writting to you. I am still alive well and harty as any of Uncle Sam boys been. I got a pat of hard tack and bacon I guess that this potato crops wasn’t very good if it was I have not seen the benefits of it yet but I live in hopes

Rogers, Erastus – February 3, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

feb 3 1864 I am well at presant and hope you the same I have not heard from you in a long time I received a letter from ann yesterday and she did not even mention your name I want you to send me your likeness

Wasson, John – February 2, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp near Marysville East Tenn, Feb the 2nd 1864 Dear Uncle I received two letters from you on the 31st of January bairing the date the 25th of November and the 14th of December in boath of whitch I found a complaint of my not writing to you any, now this is the first time I got a letter from you in 11 weeks

VanValkenburgh, George W. – February 2, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Feb. 2nd, 1864 Dear wife Once more I take my in hand to inform you that I am well but feel quite alone and sad when I think of home and think how long it has been since I have had any news from there. I do not know whether you get the letters I write or not but there is one thing certain.

Daniels, Herbert – January 31, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Sunday noon Jan. 31st 1864 Dearest, The mail has just come bringing me No. 9 dated Jan. 13th & mailed the 16th. I have always been sorry I didn’t write something to send from Somerset if it was only a word on a newspaper, but it was almost impossible.

Oliver, John M. – January 30, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Head Quarters Cavalry Corps Brandy Station Va Jan 30/64 Dear Colonel I find that I have greatly misunderstood you or that you are entirely wrong with regard to the paper you desire. You directed me to procure for you the Washington Army and Navy Journal. After the necessary enquiring I discover that no such paper is printed in the district. Now is it possibly that you coned have meant the N.Y. Army & Navy Journal the only sheet of the kind printed in the United States

Merrill, Simeon B. – January 30, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Fort Wayne January 30th /64 Well Julia it is Saturday afternoon and time that I let you know where I was and how I was I am well and hope this [ ? ] find you and Fred better then you were when I left we had a pleasant time a getting here and it is pleasant here and nothing to do and plenty to eat tonight George Elliott myself and some of the Howell Boys have gotto go on guard

Stone, George R. – January 30, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Quartermasters Department 4th Mich Cav Rossville Georgia Col Eston Jan 30th 1864 Chief Quartermaster Army of the Cumberland, Sir I have the honor to report to you the number of animals present in this Regiment requiring forage,

Scott, James P. – January 29, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Office AAQM H’d Qrs 4th ac Jany 29th 1864 Col: I have the honor to report the number of animals at these Head Quarters for which I require forage. Viz

Hogmire, Mitchell H. – January 24, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Le Grange Jan 24th 1864 Dear Wife & Parents I have seated myself to pen a few lines to you This leaves us all well but Dave & he is getting along very well now his Brandy came very good at the time Phil sent it probly saved his life And the things came very good you sent me We invited Ben over to help eat them

VanMarter, Elias B. – January 24, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Chattanooga Jan 24th/64 Dear Brother & Sister I recieved your letter of the 17th yesterday & was glad to hear that you were well. I am well as usual & hope this will find you the same well I am sorry that Rickard was torn so bad

Graves, Ira – January 22, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Jefferson Co Jan 22 1864 Miss Clara your letter I received and was glad to hear from you it had been a long time sence I had hird from you owing to being so fare

Shafer, Marion A. – January 20, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

HdQuarters 2d Brigade 3d Division Cavalry Corps Stevensburg, Va January 20th, 1864 To all the dear folks at home. To be-and to deal really just. I don’t know as I ought to write more than my share; but suppose I have not much to do as is the case now. I can write just as well as not by and by.

Slater, William – January 20, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Head Quarters, Com F First Reg. Michigan Engineers and Mechanics General Shearmans Army Camp Savannah Georgia Jan 20th 1864 From Wm Slater to Miss Clark I am happy today to [ ? ] that we received they old Nashville Mal to Day at this time I have got three letters on had 50 cents worth of stamp in it but they are not enough

Hutchins, Sabin D. – January 20, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Bridge Lort Jan 20th /64 Dear sister it is with pleasure that I am here safe and sound and have an opportunity of writing you a few lines we was just a week going through the firs day we got to detroit we went through Kalamoo and Battle Creek and Marshall in the night we got to Michigan city the next morning and sayed there until 12 oclock that night

Hutchins, Sabin D. – January 18, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Jan 18th 64 Dear sister it has been a week since I have written to you and we are all well I beleive at present but frank wells but he is getting along firstrate he is in the hospittle I got a letter from Edwin last sunday they are all well he says he is going to write to you before long

Burns, Robert – January 17, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Head-Quarters 1 Brig., 2d Cavalry Division, Huntsville Ala January 17 1864 My dear Davidson “Here we are again” as the Merry man says rushing into the ring, and transforming himself into a wheel or revolver of some kind. We arrived here on Thursday headed by a brass hand and a Brigadier General

Clark, Gardner B. – January 16, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp of the 1st US.SS. January 16th 1864 My Dear Wife My Mary I have been very busy since my last was written. building a new. Yesterday Captain Garrison and myself started from camp for the purpose of finding a place to Keep “Our Wives” provided they would [ ? ] to pay us a visit. After meeting a dozen refusals. this morning we found what we sought.

Coffinberry, Andrew B. – January 15, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Russell House Detroit Jany 15th 1865 Dear Bro. Your letter in answer to mine being on business with my friend Schillhores. I directed the P.M. to deliver it to him if received in my absence, which he did where succeeced, as I was then absent

Collins, George H. – January 15, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Near Culpeper Va Jan 15/64 Sir I have to inform you that Capt. J. M. Dushane to whom your letter was addressed in regard to ordinance and ordinance Stores pertaining to Co. H “142” Regt Penn Vols

Rowland, Oran W. – January 15, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp 3rd Mich Cavy LaGrange Tenn Jany 15th, 1864 Aunt Sophia: You will see by the date of this letter that we are no longer in Corinth but have once more camped in LaGrange which you will remember is the same place in which we stopped last summer after we left Jackson. We came here about the first of this month.

Ross, George A. – January 14, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Detroit January 14th, 1864 Capt. Albert M. Edwards My Dear Captain, We arrived here last Thursday night reported to Col. Smith next day and Saturday we received our Recruiting papers. Since that time I have been asking myself in regard to my new duties looking around to see where and how I could best succeed advising and visiting with my friends.

Shafer, Marion A. – January 14, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Evening 14th Jan 1864 Part Second Night once more, and again I am a lone – as the 9th has gone out to see the women of which there is a right smart lot around here. The young lady (Miss Freeman) that I wrote about being sick, in my last letter to you, died just at dark to night.