Camp fry near hickmans Bridge July the 21 1863 ky Wall my dear wife as i have the opertunety of [chewed away] more riting to you [chewed away] you know that i am [chewed away] fare prospect of gaining my helth as good as it was before wall Sina i was glad to hear that you injoyed your self the forth
Edwards, Albert M. – July 21, 1863
Argentine July 21 1863 To Captain A M. Edwards [ ? ] 24th mich = vol sir will you please to inform me if my brother Elisha C. Reed of your company wheasre he is dead or live
Beardslee, Clark H. – July 20, 1863
Dear Friend Pheby I though I would write a few lines to you to let you know I still live altho I never have writen before it was because you are almost a stranger to me for I never saw you but a few times I am in the hospital at Haggerstown I have ben slightly wounded
McElheny, Janes – July 20, 1863
Mattarran, Mich July 20 1863 Col. J. R. Smith Military Commander L & C [ ? ] [ ? ] The brave Mr A. L. McElheny has heard from what he supposes is reliable information that his brother [ ? ] J. S. McElheny of the first Michigan Cavalry was killed at the battle of Gettysburg & he is [ ? ] of obtaining his body
Williams, George W. – July 19, 1863
Head Quarters Q.M. Dept Winchester July 19th/63 Dear. Little. Sister. Julie To day is Sunday and having writing to mother and Nelie and knowing that you will feal hard in my not writeing to you. I now seat myself to few to few a few lines since I wrote to Mother and Nelie I have been to Murfressboro and returned and when I arrived at this place their was another detail which was sent out from Huntsville to meet us
Wiser, Alphonso H. – July 19, 1863
July the 19 1863 [chewed away] Wall my dear wife i [chewed away] a letter from you last [chewed away] and was glad to hear fro[chewed away] you and to hear that you was injoying your self i think when i hear from you that i wood like to be there but i cant so i will stay hear
Clark, Egbert B. – July 19, 1863
Frederick Md. July 19/63 My Dearest Wife I came here yesterday from Boonsboro am stopping at the city hotel I reported to a Doctor this morning who attends sick + wounded officers, who gave me some medicine
VanValkenburgh, George W. – July 19, 1863
Em Van Sunday, July 19, 1863 My dear George What shall I say to you I hardly not I received a letter from you last night dated July the 7 it has been 12 dayes a coming I thought it wase a long time but I wase so glad to here form you and to her that you are well I hope it is just as you say about your health
Clark, Egbert B. – July 17, 1863
Boonsboro Md. July 17 /63 My Dearest I wrote you yesterday and told you I would write again to day I have been quite well to day no fever and my diarrhea has not been bad.
Chalker, George N. – July 17, 1863
Headquarters 26 Regt July the 17th/63 Dear friends, We are now in the City of Philadelphia We got here this morning about eight o’clock. I must go. We will see New York tonight. Good by
Trowbridge, Luther – July 17, 1863
Head Quarter 5th Mich Cav in [ ? ] July 17th 1863 Approvd and respectfully forwarded L.S. Trowbridge Maj. Comdg
Whitworth, William G. – July 16, 1863
New Berlin, Maryland July 16th /63Dear Father & Mother Make no doubt but your anxiety for me will be very great having no chance to write to you and if I had I dont know how I should have got them mail I mail one more than a week ago but am unable to say how far it went for there as been so much trouble along the railroads that mail trains could not proceed. I have written three letters since we left Virginia in fact I have embraced every opportunity to inform you of my whereabouts
Burns, Robert – July 16, 1863
Huntsville Alabama July 16, 1863 My dear Brother, We dropped in here yesterday for a few days after diners and sunday wanderings up and down the country. How long we shall remain the military powers that he can only tell. We have been in the saddle nearly all the time since I wrote you last (July 4th).
Hogmire, Mitchell H. – July 15, 1863
Lagrange July 15th 63 I received your kind letter the 13th & now as I have a few moments to spare will answer it When I last wrote Edwin was not very well but he is now returned to duty & is growing fat I received a letter from Mother & they were all well but Duane has a lame back R. C. Nyman has got home Now before I go any farther lets Hurah for Vicksburg, Port Hudson & the invasion of Lee in Pennsylvania & Morgan in Indiana for the first we have reason be glad that the fall of their strong hold did not make more of our men bite the dust
Painter, William – July 15, 1863
Nashville Tennessee July 15th 1863 Mr Trowbridge Dear Sir I take this pleasant opertunity of writing a few lines to you to let you know that I am well and I hope these few will find you all injoying they same Blessing Well Walter I want you to Do mee a favor by getting a Pare of Boots made for mee I want a pare of Calf Boots with Duble Soles 10 M Size and 11 in length
Clark, Gardner B. – July 14, 1863
Grand Rapids Mich July 14th 1863 My Mary. You are a pretty young lady. you are. to run away just as I was coming to see you. I shall punish you severely. I came in on the morning train this A.M. wounded.
Smith, Watson B. – July 13, 1863
Cincinnati Ohio July 13. 1863 Dear Father We reached this place this eve 5 ½ o’c & stand ready to move ashore with our forces or go farther up or down the river & land. Morgan is working Eastward and we intend to cut him off. I believe our boys would attack 5 times their numbers they are so anxious for a fight.
Painter, William – July 13, 1863
Nashville, Tennessee July 13th, 1863 Dear Sister I have just received your kind letter and I was glad to hear that you ware all well I am hapy to inform you that I am well at Present and I hope these few lines will find you all they Same I am very thankful to you for writing to mee I supose it is a busy time with farmers now in Michigan
Evens, George H. – July 13, 1863
General Hospt No 4 Louisville K.Y. July 13th 1863 Capt. T. C. Barden Dear Sir This once more I attempt to write a few lines to you but I will ashure you that it is not an easy task
Kenyon, Crandel A. – July 12, 1863
Camp Near hillsboro Ten July 12th 63 Dear Cousin I recived your kind letter to day and was glad to hear that you was well. I am well and hearty at present and in fine spirits I now begin to hink that this war is comeing to a close soon and I think that it is time that we had them whiped. we marched from murfreesboro on the 24 of June and it commenced raining the same day
Smith, Watson B. – July 12, 1863
On board “Jno T. Macombs” Sunday July 12, 1863 Dear Father I dropped you two short lines from Westport but fear that they may not reach you for some time so write again now. My last was mailed at Lawrenceburg on the 9th inst. at which time I gave you some account of our march upto that time.
Smith, Watson B. – July 12, 1863
Sunday July 12/63 Westport Ky. Ohio River Dear Father Reached this place via Eminence & Lagrange 12 o’c last night having marched 60 miles since night before last 9 o’c which we think forced marching. Morgan is over in Indiana & I presume we will follow him this AM but cant tell marching orders come sudden.
Hogmire, Mitchell H. – July 12, 1863
No 2 Camp at La Grange July 12 I have been waiting for a reply to my last till now & the mail brings no news from Mich We are all well & hope you are the same it is now 3 oclock & we have to go out on a scout of six days & will not be permited to write to you until I come back
Shafer, Marion A. – July 12, 1863
Paris Mich Sunday morning July 12th 1863 Bud dear Brother Good gracious – it is perfectly glorifying – to think of commencing a letter to you once more. I hope we shall never hear of your being sick again – for we have been frightened almost to death