Dake, Crawley P. – March 9, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Approved and Respectfully forwarded Wm Y Magoffin Capt Comdg Regt Hd Qrs 2nd Brigade 3rd Div C.C. March 9th 1864 Approved and Respectfully forwarded CP Dake Maj Comdg Brig

Sabin, Alvin N. – March 9, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp of 5th Mich Cavalry March 9th 1864 Captain I would most respectfully request a leave of absence for five days in compliance with General Order 3 and 1 11.2.1. od Quarters Army of the Potomac

Wasson, Thomas – March 9, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

in the field by back of New Madrid March the 9th/64 Kind friend I received your letter of the 16th last Wednesday, the day I got here which I was glad to get but I have not had time to answer it untill now. This will a good time a coming there is no direct comunication untill we take the town untill our gun boats gets down here which we espect every day.

Hutchins, Sabin D. – March 9, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Chattanooga March 9th 1864 Dear Sister I received your letter almost a week ago and and was glad to hear from you I never felt better in my life than I do now George is getting as fat as a bear I see frank Wells yesterday he is getting along firstrate the rest of the boys are all well Theodore hasent had any letters from home yet

Phelps, George – March 7, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

March the 7 1864 Va camp near Stephensburg Dear wife it is with pleasure that inow wright a few lines to you to let you know that iam well at present and hope that these few lines may find you the same iwant you to send me naniy likeness and yours if you can

Scott, George W. – March 7, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

1864 Chattenooga March 7th Mett I received your letter dated the 18th and was very glad to hear from yo and to hear that you was well I am well at present I was very glad to get a letter from you

Lyon, Daniel – March 6, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp 16th Mich Vols. Near Bealton “Va” March 6th 1864 To Miss Alma Bentley. being somewhat acquainted with you I take the liberty of writing a Short letter hoping you will take it as no offence this being Sunday Afternoon and I am all alone I must amuse myself by writing to some one at home or near that beloved spott. This being Leap year I should think the young Ladies might Write first to the Sodlier Boys but I think if I should wait for some one to Write to me I would wait some time.

Norris, Clinton F. – March 6, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Friend Ettie Here goes for another letter, I dont know what I shall write about, perhaps anything and evrything that comes in my mind, and if I do, I shall write some strange things, and you can make a note of it in your memorandum, as strange thoughts from a strange man, and by the way I must not be to egotistical, as I may expose some of my bad qualities to you, and then there would be a chance for feelings of indifference and that you know I do not wish, but I will try and keep within bounds of etiquette

Webster, Timothy O. – March 5, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

St. Louis March 5th 1864 Dear Brother I Received your kind letter in due time and was verry glad to hear from you again Oh brother i can give you the answer that you wanted me to give i am going along with you to glory thank god he has spoke peace to my Soul

Whiting, Eber K. – March 5, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Lincoln Genl Hospital Washington D.C. March 5th 1864 Dear Brothers + Sisters Having been from you nearly four months and hearing nothing from you is it strange that a brother should feel a little uneasy

Jessup, Andrew – March 4, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

March the 4 1864 Dear Father Mother Brother & Sisters I am well and hope that these few lines will find you injoining the same blesing what is the reasen that i cant hear from you i have not had i letter from enny one yet and don’t exspect to is ant afford to write letter

Merrill, Simeon B. – March 3, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

March the 3rd 1864 Division Hospital near Brandy Station Va Dear Wife I thought that I would try and write you a few lines to let you know that I have been quite sick with the Inflamtion on the lungs I was taken the 24th of Febuary I stopped in tent with the boys until Saturday 27th then I went to the Camp Hospital stopped there on day and one night then was moved to the Division Hospital near Brandy Station

Wiser, Alphonso H. – March 3, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

March the 3 1864 Wall Sina I set my self down to rite an answer to the letter I recived this morning from you dated feb. the 19. so this present time finds me seated on the ground trying to rite to you

Pointon, Mair – March 2, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp near Culpepper Va March 2nd 1864 Dear Brother We are once more back to old Virginia and on the same old tramping ground 23 of our co reinlisted and 14 men is all we brought back with us and 3 of them are recruits The rest of the Co took French furloughs and left for home the same day they reported in Milwaukee

Brown, Simeon Batcheldor – March 1, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Head Quarters 11th Regt Mich. Vol. Cav. Lexington Ky, March 1st 1864 Regimental Order No. 31 Lieut. Col. James B. Mason, Major Charles E. Smith & Major Henry L Wise of the eleventh Regt. Mich. Vol. Cav. are hereby appointed Council of Administration for this Regiment in Conformity to Article Twenty third of the revised U. S. Army regulations

Hatton, Adelbert R. – March 1, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

March 1 1864 Dear Friend It is with pleasure that i sit down to write a few to you. I am well at present and hope you are the same. i am in the midst of Rebeldom sixty mules South of Washington. We are within three miles of the rebel picket lines, it has been very pleasant weather every since we have been here till now it rains like everything mud up to the top of my boots.

Wasson, Thomas – March 1, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Franklin Tenn, March the 1st 1864 As it is Sunday evening I thought that I would answer your letter of the 1st and 8th which I received at Murfreesboro but did not have time to answer it until now. It is a fine evening, the moon is shining bright. The weather here is generally wet. It rains more than half the time so you can guess that it is nice living out of dores.

Whitworth, Herbert – February 28, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Horse Cave Camp, Section [ ? ] Northwestern R.R. Tenn. Feb 28″ 1864 Dear Friend Herbert. You will probably think that I have neglected you. But I have had several good reasons for not writing before. I owed you some money and wished to send it the first time I wrote. so I waited till the reciet of a letter from home. which I did not get till last thursday. and to my surprise. there was no money in it.

Norris, Clinton F. – February 27, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Friend Ettie Your long looked for letter come at last. I had really began to think you had forgotten me, and dident care to correspond with me anymore, but this morning disclosed the fact that I was mistaken. If you only could immagine, with what anxiety we soldiers look for letters, you would, I think, more fully appreciate their worth. I do not intend to insinuate that you do not take an interest in writing to the Soldiers, for I think you do, and I think you are verry kind to favour me with your letters

Wiser, Alphonso H. – February 27, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp At Knoxville East tennessee febuary the 27 1864 Saturday Wall Sina this day finds me with pen in hand to write an answer to the lette I just got from you dated the 15 of febuary and was Glad to her from you and to her of bing well for I am in the best kind of helth

Clark, Gardner B. – February 24, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Moretown Feb 24th 64 Dear Gardner and Mary I have waited a long time to hear from you but bigin to think you have forgotten us or do not care to hear from us as we have not heard from you since last December. I think two months a long time not to hear from you but if you dont want to hear from us just say so and I wont write but want you to write any way we are all well as usual school finished yesterday

Merrill, Simeon B. – February 24, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Headquarters of 5th Michigan Infantry Camp Bullock Va. Febry 24th 1864 I hereby certify that Simeon B. Merrill Pvt has been duly enlisted and mustered into the service of the United States as a Soldier and has been assigned to Co. G. in said Regiment and is now on duty here and that his family is entitled to Relief [ ? ] Geo. W. Rose Capt. Commdg Co. G.

Merrill, Simeon B. – February 23, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Febuary the 23rd 1864 Camp Bbullock near Brandy Station Virginia Dear Wife I received your letter Sunday the 21st that you wrote the 11th was glad to hear that you were all well as this leaves me at present we have just got our little log Cabbin done so that we live very comfortable now but we have had pretty hard times it has been very cold wether here for a few days if it is in Old Virginia

Burns, Robert – February 22, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Huntsville Ala Feb’y 22/64 My dear Davidson I to-day send you by express a small bundle which will probably reach you at the time this does. I have been here since Wednesday last.