Lynchburg V.A. May 18th /64 Dear Father As there is a chance now to send a few lines now I am going to let you know where I am. I am a prisoner there was 90 men 6 line officers & our Lieut Col of our regt captured near Spotsylvania Court House V.A.
Wiser, Alphonso H. – May 18, 1864
St [ ? ] May the 18 Sister Dear but not foregoton as I wont to to to her from mother and I [ ? ] Wall not rite till I did but [ ? ] she [ ? ] We received her last thurday at for aclock
Campbell, Robert – May 18, 1864
Fredericksburg Va May 18, 1864 Dear Brother, I’ll attempt to write but little at this time. but just give a faint outline You of course know that we are still in the [ ? ] of battle. it has raged fearfully for a number of days. and there are an immence quantity of wounded.
Fox, Newton P. – May 18, 1864
Hd. Qrs. 1st Mich Engrs. + Mechs. Stevenson Ala. May 18th 1864 My Dearest Mother Day before yesterday I wrote you a long letter but knowing how anxious you are to hear from us I will write you again. Our camp has been quite unruly for the past few days The settlers have been to sell and some of our men get drunk and are quite a treat to the officers.
Roor, Frank – May 17, 1864
State of Michigan St Joseph County ss. Personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace in and for said County Mrs Jane Roar to me well known who being duley sworn deposes and says she the mother of Francis Roar who was a private in the 6th Regt of Mich Vols Cavalry The Company to which he belonged she is not informed.
Roor, Frank – May 17, 1864
Three Rivers Mich Sir May 17th 1864 Enclosed I hand you an affidavit and two other papers which speak for themselves Like many others this poor boy has been made a dupe and his mother for the [ ? ] being depanded of the last earnings of her poor boy.
Wiser, Alphonso H. – May 16, 1864
Sunday Eve Imlay Mich May the 16. 1864 Dear Cousin Will [chewed away] for not writing before. Ever since [chewed away] I have expected to go home. But last Saturday came and I was then disapointed for the third time. my things are all backed up to go but the farmers are all busy and will be for sometime but I shall try very hard to go home this week for all of my mail goes there now.
Hogmire, Mitchell H. – May 16, 1864
Camp at St Louis Mo. May 16th 1864 Dear Wife I have a few moments of time to spare and will improve by writing to you as it may be the last opportunity I will have perhaps in a few weeks as we are ready now and under Marching Orders Jane what is the reason why you have not writen or had some one write for I am nearly woried to death. I heard by one of Donivans corispondence that you was hurt and nearly dead that the Doct thought you could not live Now you cant imagine with what anxiety I have looked for a letter from there
Hogmire, Mitchell H. – May 16, 1864
Camp at St Louis Mo May the 16 /64 Dear parents I take this oportunity of adressing a few lines to you to inform you how I get along we are all well at present and enjoying ourselves very well only we are out of money I dont think there is one dollar in the Company with exception of the oficers part of the regiment has started for Little Rock Arkansas seven companeys went yesterday and the rest of us are going to day we have not drawed our horses yet nor arms either
Slater, William – May 15, 1864
Browns Borrow Station Alabama May 15 1864 To Miss Ann Clark I received your letter to night and was quiet glad to hear from you and I have not read they hole of they leter but I have red enough to understand that you got they cow and praps you will have a good one and Bill Taft had not better take to much
Burns, Robert – May 14, 1864
H’d Qrs 1st Brig 2nd Cavy Div Villanous Ga May 14, 1864 My dear Davidson There has been fighting for the last three days in front of us, not very heavy, but the cannonading could be distinctly heard. Johnson is now said to have evacuated Dalton and fallen back towards Rome.
Coffinberry, Andrew B. – May 13, 1864
Bridgeport Ala. May 13 1864. Dear Father: We are still in Bridgeport with but little signs of a moove. Our Regt have the Block house and defense to build, and may be left back this summer for that purpose. M[ ? ] all the troops have gone to the front.
Pullman, Walter – May 13, 1864
Camp at the 13th Michigan Infantry on Lookout Mountain Georgia May 13th Dear Sister I received your kind and welcom letter in due time and I was glad to hear from you and glad to hear that you was well I am well as well I got the picture all rite in Company with your letter I fot one from dan white the mail does not come very regular now they are fighting in front every day we could hear the artilery all day yest erday and I have hurd some guns this morning
Crandall, Frank M. – May 13, 1864
Battlefield May 13, 1864 Dearest Katie I rec’d your letter containing the button also one of the files and I have made a ring out of the button and will send it to you in this letter & lost the file before I got the ring finished so it looks rather ruff. The files were such as I wished, I shall look for the other by the next mail.
Hogmire, Mitchell H. – May 12, 1864
Saint Louis May 12th 64 Dear Wife I have a few moments of reflection and will improve them by conversing with you through the blessed comfiture the Pen To night I am not feeling very well was sick all night last night and this forenoon with the sick head ache and fever but am feeling some better now think if I am carefull I will get along all right Edwin is well he is cooking now with John for the Company
Burns, Robert – May 11, 1864
Head-Quarters 1st Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Division, Department of the Cumberland, Villanous, Georgia May 11 1864. My dear Davidson Yet on the move you see. I believe we have now our position and are here expected to do our part in the great battle which must take place within a few hours.
Burns, Robert – May 10, 1864
Head-Quarters 1st Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Division, Department of the Cumberland Lafayette Walker Co. Georgia, May 10 1864. My dear Mother You see by the date of this that we are again in the field and fairly entered on the summer’s campaign. You know that we had been in Columbia Tenn for a week or two.
Burns, Robert – May 8, 1864
Head-Quarters 1st Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Division, Department of the Cumberland, Near Trenton Ga on Raccoon Mountain Sunday morning May 8 1864. My dear Davidson Having a few moments to spare while the horses are being saddled fed. I seat myself &c up at 3 o’clock this morning expecting to start at 5 but delayed by the now arrival of our forage train.
Wasson, John – May 8, 1864
Warren Station State of Georga May the 8th 1864 Dear friends I take the present opportunity to send you a fiew lines to let you know that I am well at this time we ar now within 8 miles of Dalton and in line of Battle we have seen skirmishing with the enmy now for 4 or 5 days and I think about to morrow a General set to will take place
Slater, William – May 8, 1864
1864 May 8th Bever Creek Allabama To Miss Clark I take they oportunity of sending you a few lines hoping that they will find you all well and has got your cow by this I had they small book come to hand last thursday and I sent lawson a bill yesterday stateing that he could pay Ann Clark they ballance
Hutchins, Sabin D. – May 7, 1864
Chattanooga Tenn May 7th ’64 Sister Mariette it is with the greatest pleasure that attempt answer your kind letter which recd yesterday afternoon and I was glad to hear that you were well and going to school at last for I begun to think that you would never yet to going to school your letter found me well and enjoying myself tiptop I am in camp again now and we will every night as all them that want to and I like to drill firstrate
Burns, Robert – May 6, 1864
Near Stevenson Ala May 6, 1864 Early Friday morning My dear Davidson Thus far are we on our way to Chattanooga. We left Columbia on the 30th ult and have been steadily “marching on” since. Yesterday we again crossed the Cumberland Mountains.
Paddock, Byron D. – May 6, 1864
Hd Qrs Battery F 1st Mich Lt Arty 2nd Div 23rd Army Corps Red Clay, GA May 6th 1864 My Dear Hattie We have form into camp at this place for a day or two for the purpose of resting men and horses and also to try and find out what the enemy are doing. We are within 12 miles of Dalton and suppose that the Rebel Army is in large force at that place.
Haskell, Frank A. – May 6, 1864
Head Quarters, 36th Regt. Wis. Vol’s. Camp Randall near Madison, Wis. May 6th, 1864. Brig. Genl. Gaylord, Adj’t. Genl. of Wis. Sir:- I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of the Monthly Return of the 36th Wis. Volunteers (Infy) for the Month of April. I am Very Respectfully Your Obd Servt s/ F. A. Haskell Col. Comdg.