Click here for this soldier’s biography:
Regiment: 16th Michigan Infantry
Battles Mentioned: Yorktown, Virginia; West Point, Virginia
Historical Figures: Jefferson Davis, Joseph E. Johnston, Robert E. Lee
West Point, Va.
20 miles from Richmond
Saturday, May 10th/1862
Dear Sister
Not having finished
my 8th letter on account of orders
that we much march right off.
We left Camp Winfield Scott, and
went to Yorktown (the city that
was evacuated by one hundred thous
and Rebels, including President Davis,
Gen. Lee, Gen. Johnston, and other
prominent men). The day before,
they left in great haste, leaving
over 300 of their dead unburied
and 1,000 of their wounded without
any food or medicine.
The City is strongly fortified. The left over
500 large cannon. some of them were 3 feet
in diameter. we staid in the city but one
night, took the fleet & sailed slowly
up York River. after a Journey of
50 miles, we landed at West Point,
a somewhat historic city. we ha but
just landed when we heard the
tremendous discharge of musketry. we
knew by that there was some fighting
to be done soon, for we heard heavy
cannonading for 25 miles back. sure enough
they were in sight, fighting like devils, not over ½
mile distant. we were ordered to leave everything
[ ? ] ammunition & were ordered to form
in line of Battle & to march double quick to the
scene of action. we had but just got up in shot of
them (somewhat fatigued) when the Rebels poured
a volley of Balls in us, killing many of us. not Rebels
I mean, but 3,000 damn black “nigers” for
the Rebels always put them in front of Battle.
they looked like devils, but we fired into them
killing piles of them. before we arrived they were
to much for our men & drove them through a
Swamp. in going through the swamp, some
of the Zouaves got stuck in the mud & could
not get out. the damn Niggers run up to them &
cut their throats from ear to ear. we found 7 men
with their throats cut. we caught 4 of them & they con
fessed they did it. We hung them up until they
were half dead cut them down & burnted the other
half dead. after seeing those men (who were
fighting for their good) with their throats cut, I am
determined to kill every Nigger I can see. all of
the army say the same. it took us 3 days to
bury our dead. our loss was heavy. we are
camped at present at West Point on York River, 20
miles from Richmond. we received orders tonight
to get 3 days rations, 40 rounds of cartridges, and
to leave our blankets, overcoats, tents, in short
everything but war implements, & be ready to
march Sunday night at 12 o’clock to fight.
The Colonel tolds us to be prepared for
any emergency. The 5th Michigan Regt. was in
the fight & lost 200 men. there is over
100,000 men camped here, for ten miles
Square you can see nothing but
a soldier mass of men. Bands by the
hundred are playing day & night.
Thomas is better now. The weather
is very hot. my health is
good. write all of the particulars
as soon as possible. I want
Charlie to write me a letter.
I have not heard from Foote in
6 weeks. the oppinion here is that
he is dead & I believe he is, for he
said he would write to me as soon as
he got to Fortress Monroe. now he
has been there 6 weeks & I have not heard
from him. his disease was serious,
The mumps & he caught a bad cold.
Mary, you must write me
often. Tell Philancia answer my
half a dozen letters I wrote her. direct
Washington, D.C. Co “I”, Col. Stockton’s Reg
answer this. If I am alive I will respond. life
is uncertain here, for they are so careless.
With respects, ever yours, good bye,
J.M. Hollister