Wiser, Alphonso H. – December 20, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Click here for this soldier’s biography: https://micivilwar.com/authors/wiser-alphonso-h/
Regiment: 9th Michigan Cavalry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: William T. Sherman Dec the 20 1864 In camp near Syvana Ga on the sea cost Wall now Sina i once more seat myself to pen this to you to let you know i am stil a live and in good helth and hope this will find you the same the boys here is all well and in good spiret Wall now Sina I will tell you what i see yesterday Wall i was ordered to hich up my teem and go out to the cost and there i saw our guns bots firing into a reb fort and our fleet lay all a long the bank thick it is a fine site i wish you could see them i went on bord of one and got my dinner and it was the first warm meal i have eat sence i left ky and any one can git oysters there by picking them up on the shore oyrings is here to but they are sower ones Sina i wish i could send you some any thing any one wants here they can git it Wall now Sina i will tell you what for a time we had a coming here from Atlanta we started from ther the 15 of Nov and reached her the 17 of this munth and traveld nite and day to but we had no troubel until we got in a bout 80 miles of here then the rebs met ous then we had some hard fits our rig lost 30 men in a little time but now Sherman is a giving the rebs fits at syvana here and will take the place before long now one division of the 15 corps charged one fort here the other day and lost some men and took 400 rebs in the fort 16 peaces of artillery heavy guns to they are fiting all the time Wall now Sina i got 3 letters from you the other Day and answerd them all in one Wall Sina that money i did not send for the express was closed bfore i got down to town so I will trust some in letters from here i will put 5 dollars in each letter at a time Sina I will say for you to use as much as you wanto for it is what i send it to you for Sina them potgraphs you wanted i cant git of the oficers for here is no chance for to git them taken Sina Now Sina i wish you could See the rice grow here it looks just like ots and grows just a bout as big as ots we feed our teems on it here they cut it just as we cut any grain and bind it into bundels and stack it like wheat or ots and thrash it as we do any grain Wall I will close for want of room by saying Good By Sina from A. H. W. to L. M. W. rite soon drect the Same No Drect to Fort McCallaster Ga rite Soon This is rice Sina one head