Whiting, Eber K. – March 11, 1865

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Click here for this soldier’s biography: https://micivilwar.com/authors/whiting-eber-k/
Regiment: 2nd Wisconsin Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: In my little Shanty March 11, 1865 My Dear Sisters I myself to the Boys after which I Shal have a little leisure I thought to in thoughts of a different nature since                    Some of our Boys have                    on another foraging expedition which proved imminently successfull bringing 150 horces and mulis besides a               of mili tary stores of military interest at                   I have nothing of news to write But will tell you how I spend my time. In the first place I am exempt from attending rollcalls from the fact that I have a detatchment of men entirely under my controle under ordinary circumstances in camp and as they are picked men selected by myself from the whole regiment I feel safe in being responsible for their presence when wanted But I make it a rule to arise at the first tap of the drum 15 minits before and get Breakfast leaving the dishes for the other boys to wash. next black my shoes brush clothes and hat polish brasses and other                   other including buttons, Sunday morning if the weather is good a regimental Inspection if rainy Company           by Company officers in which later case I inspect my Corps if            necessary after which perhaps I may got to some other regiment to attend divine worship for we have none in our own then preaching and writing if no duty occurs for it is         likely to               on the Sabath as another day On other days we miss the inspection having few duties to perform we spent our time in keeping ourselves our clothes and our arms and equipment clean and in good order. by                fuel for mud fireplaces and about noon the paper boy makes his appearance and the what a rush Mornings Washington and Baltimore papers and yesterdays By Herald Tribune and times and sometimes         war press all and each ten cts apeace then reading for one or two hours But here comes an order from the colonel Two hours later the evening in playing whist. Tattoo is beaten at 7.30 taps for the and of the lights at 8 at which time we generally refire Our mail arrives after Tattoo  time to send letters before taps my Minnesota letters And now my dear Sisters if you want to remove temptation from the way of a sinner you myt give me some long letters to answer. for perhaps you do not I may occupy my time unproffitably. Tell the Boys to send me some home papers for I know nothing of Minnesota affairs. If you wish you can a small part of your writing and for the If you should inquire after his brother. I formed an acquaintance and am nothing from him since the Battle of Antietam at which he was please inform me if you know of his whereabouts. Give my love to the Children + I am ever your affectionate Brother E K Whiting