Click here for this soldier’s biography:
Regiment: 6th Michigan Cavalry
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Resolution on the death of Mrs Tanner
Where as it has pleased our Heavenly Father
to remove from our midst our beloved sister
Mary E. Tanner to the great beyond it is
with renow we draft these resolutions
Resolved, that it is but a just tribute to the
memory of the departed to say that we mourn
one who was worthy of our love and respect therefore
he it
[ ? ] that our charter be draped and a copy
of these resolutions he spread on the anenities of our
order and a copy sent to the bereaved family.
Sound not the dirge, leave bitter tears rushed
God gave, and his wisdom took away
But-not-forever, only for a day, and when the
beams of yonder fading run, shall cease to
shine and eveing has begun, + a that fair night
where hearts shall cease thier pain somewhere
united we shall meet again
Mary S. Butler
Sarah Botromley
Lizzie Cook.
Mary Elizabeth Miller Tanner was:-
Born: April 2, 1846 in Ohio
Died: Tuesday, March 20, 1923
Aged: 77 years
Married: Sunday, August 19, 1866
To: Charles Henry Tanner
[On Envelope:]
Resulior of
Mary E Tanner