Shafer, Marion A. – Undated

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 7th Michigan Cavalry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: The old staff has not made his appearance You may want to hear something about our journey. We started from the depot at 8 o’clock P.M. had a sleeping car from there to Detroit, arrived at Detroit at midnight. and at Toledo at day light had some hot coffee changed cars and started at 10 o’clock A.M. arrival at Cleveland at dusk. changed cars, and started right off. Arrived at Pittsburg in the morning marched to the city – hall and had breakfast, we did not leave Pittsburg untill 3:30 P.M and I went over the city – the building are nearly all brick and every house and block as black as rot smook and coal can make them. I should say the city – was noted for dirty house, streets, dirty clothes black faces, homely women, and some of the best draught horses I ever saw the cars are loaded with Keroscene oil and coal, from this place to Harrisburg, one sees hills and large barns, we pass along and over the Alleganies in the day time. and more splendid scenery I never saw. on one side is mountins upon the other Allegany on the Junietta river, our whistles through tunnels a wild through port villages, rocks, lakes, what I saw of Pensylvania I do not like. Ohio is a better country for farming, the land is not broken much, but just rolling enough to be pleasant. the trees in Ohio along the rout are very tall, and not very large. I saw apple trees two feet through at Altuna Pensylvania the Colonel got coffee or what was called coffee at the rate of $30.00 per barrel We arrived at Baltimore at 10 o’clock P.M. Marched 2 miles through the city and by the gas light I could see that it was the finest city upon the whole rout. I never saw a cleaner or more regular city. the walks are as clean as broom can make them. not a box on a barrel could be seen on the walks. all the streets, and walks are stone, one passes churches which takes three looks to see the top. Dr Upjohn and I went in and drank the best beer I ever tasted we had to leave 2 sick soldiers there, and one sick fellow deserted there. Dr Sherman and all but Dr Upjohn and myself stayed there and came on yesterday there is quite a number of sick now I shall be glad when we get located so as to take good care of them We are to be paid the forepart of this week – I cannot write about evry thing this time, when I get settled down I shall write again there is a good many things to write abot which I cannot write about now. You will have to direct your letter to M.A. Shefer Hospt. Steward 7th M.C. Washington D.C. We do not know the name of our camp yet for certain One does not see nothing but soldiers in some parts of the city. I can look from my sleeping room, across the Potomac and see the old fortifications I am writing in the dining room on account of fire, and the whole family are talking, so there must be my mistakes, wood is ten dollars a cord. Dr Sherman and Upjohn are boarding abot 10 rods from here. If you will Mr. J.A. Hopkins name in connection with E.G. Stork of Auburn N.Y. to Dr Shepherd you will know that I have a good place, So says Hopkins It is 3 o’clock P.M. and dinner is nearly ready so I will quit. Eggs are 40 cts a dozen I got so black at Pitsburg that soap won’t take the dirt off. Horrible Your son and Brother, M A Shaefer