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Regiment: 7th Michigan Cavalry
Battles Mentioned:
Historical Figures:
Hd Qrs 7th Mich Cav
Camp Russell Va
January 7th 1865
My Dear People
One and all
‘Tis now 10′ A.M. and the wind blowing
furiously. Yesterday it rained all day and
now will have several days of cold-ran
weather. Most all kinds of weather suits me
when in camp. Night before last I recd
Loraines’ letter of Dec 28
th and last night one
came from “Joe Ting” and Hellen and two Eagles
of course I was just more than pleasant to hear
from you all and very glad to see an “Eagle”
once more. I know Mr
[ ? ] that the Eagle
spoke about dieing two of his brothers of my
regiment were taken the 11
th day of last June
on of them Wm carried my medicine box
and that went with him and Dr Richards
and myself came very near being caught that
day but our horses were faster than Armoes and
there we escaped a prisoners doom
I always felt greatfull to the horse I then had
but poor fellow I had to turn him into the regt
the time that I remained at Harpers Ferry last
Fall and at Smithfield he was shot and
died from the effects of the wound. and that
was the end to the horse that carried me from
the 4
th of May until the 7
th of Sept.
Well “Joe” I declair I’m afraid that you are
in a pretty tight place after all. so far you have
escaped the “light blue” I dont like to advise for
fear that
that I shant advise you right but you
had better keep out if there is any possible and
honorable way to do so money wouldent be any
ofject to me. to reenter the service. I have an idea
that the war will last through another campagn
and perhaps longer yet I look for the end in 1865
one more huge and fearfull campaign and
there I look for a peace. our flag victorious.
Rebel vitality is astonishing to me and who knows
how long they may struggle even after hopes
have deserted them. Helen to your question I
answer that as sure as there is a God in Heaven
so sure will the in His own time inflict a suitable
punishment to those “fiends in human form”
Will we not destroy their cities &c
It snows now, again. Weston is here and well
he look shearty as a “steer” By the “Eagle” I see that
evry thing with you bears a high price. A little
money dont go far now a days. unless you make
or take a tour to the North Pole and return by
the way of “Cape Hom” I shall have a penny or
two when I draw my next pay which we expect
about the middle of the month. Frank Clark
has gone home to Pontiac on a 20 day Furlough
I thought I would wait until I got my
pay and go there if I thought it best to do so
Dr Upjohn is here now Smith and I stop
togeather Joe we dont have many cases of scaley
diseases and on account of the limited supply of
certain medicines we dont worry much from
the common treatment is Liquor Potassa Arsenitis..
Iodide of Potassium and an external application
of some Mercurial Ointment. I prefer the Citrine Oint
I will send you a Rx for a Diarrhera mixture
for a chronic Diarrhrea or sepending on a chronic
inflammation of the mucus membrane of the bowls
Rx Creamtum Gtt iv And as an adjuiant use an
[ ? ] Opii 3 iss injiction of morphia and
[ ? ] 3 I Potassa Chloras and water
Aqua Para 3 ifs of course – Over
M S.
[ ? ]
3 times per day
I have a great may things that I could
impart to you
[ ? ] that I cant think
of writing so Dr Wood has a gay sister has
he bully for him wonder if I would like
her guess not as Joe used to say I’m going
to lead a single life I have learned the nots
of living alone pretty well. Evry one, more or
less like a change occasionally if it is from
letter to
[ ? ]. I think that a change from a
soldier to a civillian would do me for a while
as the boys say, “where this cruel War is over
we’ll have a good square meal.”
The strength of the regt is 338 officers and men
This morning we had 13 excused from duty
The largest number for a long time. some
Iritatous of the Lungs, Diarrhea Jaundice
Contusions Old Age Debility &c.
Lieut Col Brigge commands the regt. Col
Litchfield is a prisoner and
[ ? ] fire at
Charleston S.C. Well I dont know that I can
bother you any more this time. As I
must prepare a little medicine for a sick
man in Co “A” Hope this will find you
all a laughing. I will write you again soon
and I want you to do the same.
Excuse writing &c for my ink is a limber
magarine. Yours as ever
M. A. Bud S
[On Envelope:]
Miss Loraine A Shager
Grand Rapids