Click here for this soldier’s biography:
Regiment: 9th Michigan Cavalry
Battles Mentioned: Loudon, Tennessee
Historical Figures: Ambrose E. Burnside, John W. Frazer, William S. Rosecrans
Bull Gap Tennessee Oct 2
nd 63
Dear sister I am enjoying good health
at present. in old Tennessee I have not had
many opportunitys to write of late Our Regt
reassembled at Stanford, K.Y. about
the 10
th of Aug. & at the same time
there was a concentration of the forces under
Burnside at several different points, as soon
as this was accomplished we were ordered
to march south by two different routes
one force by Cumberland Gap & the other
by Big Creek Gap. Our Brigade went by the
later route. Burnside was with us in person
we had a long tedious Journey across the mountain
At last we arrived at Lenore on the railroad
twenty five miles below Knoxville which was
taken about the same time by a part of our
force We had a little fight at Loudon
but our Regt did not go as far down as
that place We then went to Knoxville staid
there one day, from thence to Cumberland
Gap. before we arrived there however, the force
which was to March by Cumberland Gap had
arrived on the K.Y. side of the Gap we being
on the Virginia side. The Rebels was about
two thousand strong under Gen Frazier
It was the intention of the Rebel Gens to evacuate
some weeks before we arrived, they sent all their
Cav away likewise their ordnance the principle
part of it. They afterwards reconsidered and
thought they would hold the Gap. the first
night we were there two hundred men
were sent up in the mouth of the Gap to
burn their flour Mill, which was accomplished
The Rebels then concluded to surrender
We then returned to Knoxville, remained
there two days, & then were ordered to go
up the railroad to Jonesborough very near
the Virginia line. it is about one hundred
miles from Knoxville when we arrived our regt
had the advance & we alone skirmished all day
no other Regt assisting us. the enemy fell back
two miles to their fortifications. we held the
front until the next morning when we were
relieved by the other Regt. But there was
no fighting that day. the news came that
Rosecrans had been defeated. Burnside
immediately began to withdraw his forces
he sent the most of them to Knoxville. we
were the last to moove our Brigade fell
back thirty five miles. Yesterday we advanced
two miles & here we remain at Bull Gap
sixty five miles from Knoxville. It seems
to be a very critical position which we now
occupy a few weeks will tell the story with
us our forces are very much skatered about
& on evry prey to a concentrated forces
[ ? ] Our Regt has got a very good name
as a fighting Regt. I am acting Sergt Major
of the Regt & doing past of the duty assigned
to that office & some other staff duties
I have not been altogether unmindful of
the old Maids in Mich Widower are numerous
in Tennessee I am trying to secure a few of
a choice article for the Michigan market
which I will send in due time. those that desire
to possess such property will find an easy market
soon be made happy. I have selected two
which are considered extra & for partiular customers
which you & Frank Myy have if if if
one has but a small family of Children
but eleven & the other but nineteen which is
quite a moderate number for Tennessee
O do not be discouraged they have as many
wenches to take care of them besides other
necessary house Servants fall in now is your
chance Good bye
I had not heard from home in a long time
until last week I recved yours. John & Charleys
write soon to
Sergt Wm B. Rowe
Co 9th Mich Cav
To follow the Brg
via Cincinnati
SP. To Charley Rowe I will let you
have some money if you can use it to any
advantage after pay day. The first of November
I shall have $100, due me my monthly pay
since last April, I have a State bounty
which I bought of $50. besides I have receipts
for $40 odd dollars. I can let you have what
Dan has now if you can make aney thing with it
& enough to make $200 with it please to
tell me how much more it will take to
make that with what Dan has.
Now I want you to understand me.
The Conditions on which I will let you
have the money. You shall invest in my
name, but you may have the proffits, but the
interest I want you to pay me.
Wm B Rowe