Camp Minty Sept 5, 1862 My dear Davidson Yesterday morning I safely arrived. I found almost all our company making preparations to stat home on a furlough. I do not believe there are more than twenty five in camp to-night.
Wasson, John – September 5, 1862
Riengy Miss September 5 62 Dear Uncal I am now in Dixie when I wrote before I was in a hurry we left Columbus at 9 oclock in the morning and took the cars and went to corrinth a distance of 160 miles through Kentucy one of the hardest looking tacts of country you ever saw
Longyear, William D. – September 4, 1862
Detroit Sept. 4th, 1862 Dear Ma, and all I am in Detroit this morning. We came here yesterday morning but came in the city Tuesday night. I am well and feel good. I wanted to come home when I heard that Almira was sick, but was afraid it would make me sick again to ride down and back. I wish that I could hear from there this morning, but I cannot. We were uniformed yesterday, and expected to leave last night for Washington, but do not go till tonight.
Wasson, John – September 3, 1862-September 4, 1862
Collumbia Kentuckey Sep the 3 62 Dear Uncle I take this opportunity to let you know my whereabouts we left Detroit mondy night at eight oclock September the 1st and went to Jollyette and then took the U. central railroad to cairo a distance of about 600 miles
Benton, Thomas H. – September 2, 1862
Washington, Sept. 2, 62 Mr. Benton: It is my melancholy duty to inform you, from the best information I can get, your son Thomas was killed in the battle of the 30th ult. His comrades say that he was wounded twice; once through the hips and bowels, and the second, and probably the most fatal shot was through the lungs.
Babcock, Samuel P. – August 28, 1862
Ger General hospittl no 2 vicksburg Mis Aug 28 62 Dear wife I take my pen in hand to write a few lines to let yo no that my health is about the same I doant no but I am gain a verry little
Burns, Robert – August 24, 1862
Camp Minty, Detroit Aug 24, 1862 My dear Mother To you I will send the first word I have written since I entered camp. I am now as you see the second of your boys who has taken up soldiering as a business for a little while.
Potter, Charles H. – August 19, 1862
Ri[ ? ]gi Augt. 19th /62 Dear Father I take this opportunity to write a line to you to let you know how we are getting along. we are all well accept Chan & Wing they are sick Chan is in the Hospital he has been quite sick is getting better now.
Burns, Robert – August 18, 1862
Paw Paw Aug 18, 62 My dear Davidson Hurry to Detroit as soon as you can. We are ordered off to-night. Yours in haste RB.
Pritchard, Benjamin D. – August 17, 1862
Allegan Aug 17/62 Mary! My Dear Friend Your Letter of July date came duly to hands and should have been answered ere this, but all has been excitement & bustle in this part of the Country and owing to the unsettled state of affairs I have delayed writing Thing have again taken direction & I hasten to inform you of their present staus, Mary!
Burns, Robert – August 17, 1862
Paw Paw Aug 17, 1862 My dear Davidson Yours of 12th from Geneva received. I am glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself. You had better shorten up your visits as much as you can conveniently and come here. We shall leave here Wednesday or Thursday for Detroit.
Benton, Thomas H. – August 14, 1862
Cedar Mountain, Va. Aug. 14th, 1862 Dear Father: We are now some forty miles from Fredericksburg, at Cedar Mountain, the late field of battle. We arrived here on last Monday night after two days hard marching. On the evening of the first day we crossed the Rappahannock River at Ellis’s Ford, wading up to our middle. That was Sunday. On Monday at 3 A.M. we again commenced marching, and marched upwards of thirty miles to this place.
Bass, William W. – August 12, 1862
August the 12 1862 Mr I I Major Dear friend this morning as I had a few leasure moments I thought wood write you a few lines the 4 of July I got bothe from you it was dated the 11 of April and I answer it the same day and have receive noswer I thaught I wood wright to you again for if you had writen to me the leathr is lost for we had our mail robed by the rebbs we are still in Alabama a town cold Stevenson we are fortifying hear we have about 300 Negros
Booth, Henry W. – August 10, 1862
Camp Harrison Va Aug 10 /62 Dear Cousin It has ben a long time since I have heard from you I have wrote to you once before but get no answer yet I am well at present
Benton, Thomas H. – August 9, 1862
Opposite Fredericksburg, Aug. 9th 1862 Dear Father: I have not received a letter from you this week. And as we are about to move, for fear I should not have an opportunity of doing so for some time, I will now write you a short letter.
Wasson, Thomas – August 9, 1862
Mariette Hutchins Camp near [ ? ] Aug. th 9th/62 Dear friend it was with pleasure that I received your letter of the first which I got last night. I had been expecting a letter from you for a long time but I suppose from your circumstances that you do not get much time to write or anything else. I was very sorry to hear of the death of your Brother
Clark, Gardner B. – August 6, 1862
Harrisons Landing Aug. 6th 1862 My Own Mary. I received your Mothers letter last Saturday and knew before I broke the seal that some thing was the matter with you. I hope you will get able to write me within a few days. it may be because I am selfish but though I may hear just as often from you it is not your hand writing and I know its not your thoughts flowing off at the pens point.
Pointon, Mair – August 6, 1862
Camp Francis Va aug 6th/62 Dear Brother + Sister I red you last over a week ago while out on a reconnoitering expedition towards Orange Court House The force was commanded by Gen Gibbons (commanding Gen) There was 2d Wis Regt – our Regt of his Brigade = one of Gen Patricks 30 N.Y. 2 Squadrons of cavalry from Harris Light Cavalry and one Squadron of 3d Indiana Cav. also Washington’s Battery of artillery
Bernard, James T. – August 5, 1862
Tuscumbia Alabama Aug 5, 1862 Freind Edwards I received a letter from Detroit a short time ago in which I was informed that you had returned from the war and was recruiting for another Regiment in which you were going to try your [ ? ] again in the field of battle
Benton, Thomas H. – August 4, 1862
Camp opposite Fredericksburg, Aug. 4th 1862 Dear Father: I did not receive your letter until yesterday but was glad to learn that all were well. Since I wrote last, we have moved our camp. We are now three miles from the Rappahannock. There is no prospect of us marching for some time yet.
VanValkenburgh, George W. – August 4, 1862
Tues. Aug 4th 62 Dear wife it being a rainey day I thought I would rite a few lines to you and let you know that I was well and I was glad to here that you and the baby was well you spoke of coming home but I want you to make a good visit
Andrews, John S. – August 4, 1862
Garnettsville KY Aug. 4th 1862 United States To A. H. Lawson [ ? ] to seventy days (70) Rations for United States soldiars [ ? ] command of Geo. N. Bat Capt. At 35 cent pr day $24.50 Recived payment J. C. Lawson
Byrns, William – August 4, 1862
Harrisons Landing Va Aug 4th 1862 My dear Florence My letter of Sat. + Sunday was not written for the reason that we were out on duty for more than 24 hours. You have probably read of the shelling of our camp by the rebel artillery on the morning of the 1st.
Libby, Luke – August 3, 1862
Dundee August The 3ird in 1862 Dear Mothr & friends in [ ? ] I has ben a gong time Sine I [ ? ] or wrote you a letter & with the request of my brother luke I will wright you a few lines informing you I am well at presant & desire those lines to find you the same luke at present is well he has Laid sick in the hosspitel 2 months previous to that he was in a verry Hard battel of two days duration