Surgeon General’s Office, Washington, D.C., July 21”, 1865 Sir: I am instructed by the Surgeon General to inform you that your Returns of Public Property belonging to the Medical and Hospital Department of the Army, for the period commencing February 21”, 1865, and ending July 20th 1865
Strickland, Russel K. – July 20, 1865
Head-Quarters Provost Marshal’s Office, Capt R. Strickland 6th Cong. Dist., Mich. Flint, July 20th 1865 This is to certify that the thirty dollars charged against Francis Neatherhead for his arrest as a deserter has not been paid by the Government, for the season that he was not arrested until after the order stopping the bounty for the arrest of deserter-said thirty dollars should not be taken out of his wages R. Strickland Capt + Pro. [ ? ] 6th Dist Mich
Clark, Gardner B. – July 20, 1865
I Love You Camp Stoneman July 20th 1865 Darling Wife. My Mary. I am writing my last letter from Camp Stoneman. I hope forever. It is now midnight and we are to be at the depot at seven in the morning. I was in town to day and drew my pay four hundred and fifty eight dollars seventy five cents for three months.
Holton, Samuel M. – July 20, 1865
$19.55 Received Washington D.C. July 20 65 of Surg. S.M. Holton, 2d Mich Infy for one Gray’s Anatomy $2.80 ” ” Gross Anatomy 6.00 ” ” Pocket Case 10.75 $19.55 Sold to him by order of the Med. Comveyor. Henry Johnson M. F. K. U.S.A
Scott, George W. – July 20, 1865
Nashville Tenn July 20th 1865 Dear Mett I just received your letter of the twenty fourth and was more than glad to hear from you and to hear the you and the folks were well and to hear our money was all right
Holton, Samuel M. – July 17, 1865
PROPERTY RETURNS DIVISION. (Resignation Section-Form IV.) Ordnance Office, War Department, Washington, D.C. July 17”, 1865 + Surg S. M. Holton 2d Mich Vols. Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your affidavit concerning your accountability for Ordnance and Ordnance Stores.
Holton, Samuel M. – July 17, 1865
Treasury Department, Third Auditor’s Office, July 17 1865 Charges if any against SM Holton Surg 2 Mich Vols AMG [ ? ] DM D July 7 65 [ ? ] [ ? ] ” ” R not chg in money books ” “J. Surg Holton is not charged on books of this office AM Ganfewer Chief Clerk
Phelps, George – July 16, 1865
Sodus July 16th 1865 Dear Neaice After so long a time by writing several times I have suckseeded in giting your marage certificate wich I now send to you Althoug the war has closed and George has or is about to return home from the dangers of the Battle Field it may be of some use to you if no more then to site your mind back to days in other years
Scott, George W. – July 14, 1865
Tenn Fort Nigly Nashville July 14 1865 Dear Sister Mett I received a letter from you yesterday and was very glad to hear from you for I havent had one in a long time I began to to think I was never going to get home
Clark, Gardner B. – July 13, 1865
Love Grand Rapids. July 13th 1865. My Own Dear Gardie. Loved Husband. I am thinking of my boy this evening and wonder if he is thinking of his little wify and would give anything to see her to night. would I not be happy if he could take me in his arms and love me. ‘twould be all heart could wish for. Nearly two years we have been married.
Wiser, Alphonso H. – July 12, 1865
Co I 9th Regt. Mich State Vols. 3th Div Cav Corps. July the 12th 1865. Salsbury N.C. Wall my dear pet as i am now once more at my rig and Co a gain i hasten to write to you to let you know i reached here safe and sound i got here last nite on the 11
Hutchins, Sabin D. – July 12, 1865
Nashville Tenn July 12th 1865 Dear Sister Mariette Not at home yet but I expect to be some time if ever we are camped in the Barracks at fort Negley and have to work five hours a day on fort confiscation you must judge for your self whether we work very hard or not
Clark, Gardner B. – July 11, 1865
Kisses Grand Rapids July 11th 1865 My Dear Darling Husband Yours of the 7th I received to night. I did not look for it to night and you cannot tell how glad I was to get it. I send you lots of kisses for it you darling boy. Cinda is here she has been all this week, this afternoon a young lady by the name of Joslyn came to see her
Clark, Gardner B. – July 9, 1865
Adjutants Office 6th Regt. 1st A.C. Washington D.C. July 9th 1865 My Dearly Beloved Wife My Mary. Yours of the 4th I have just received thank you for that present. it is real pretty I wear stand up collars now think I shall change again soon I am glad that you were not badly bored the fourth. You think my broken head ought to be good for
Scott, George W. – July 8, 1865
Lenois July 8th 1865 Friend Mett It is with pleasure that I seat myself to address you and inform you how your friend Geo. gets along. I am well and happy hoping that this will find enjoying the same Special Blessing. I got a letter from you some time ago and I answered it but I dont think I can wait for and answer so I will write another and before this reaches you I hope that I shall get an answer from my last.
Clark, Gardner B. – July 5, 1865
A Kiss Head Quarters 6th Rgt 1st A.C. Washington D.C. July 5 1865 My Mary My Dear Wife; I have to most respectfully beg my Wify’s pardon for neglecting her so many days. I intended to write her night before last and again last night but Monday was the day before the Fourth of July and yesterday was the Fourth all day.
Root, Daniel S. – July 5, 1865
Head Qr’s Pro. Div. Army of the [ ? ] July 5 1865 I hereby certify that Lieut. Col. D.S. Root 5 Mich Vet. Vol. Inf. has satisfied me that he has made all returns required by Army Regulations and that he is not indebted to the Government on account of Ordnance or ordnance stores. Clothing. camp and Garrison Equipage or any other Public Property John W. Thafer Major 20 Ind. Vet. Vol. Inf. A.C.M. Pro. Div. A. of Tenn.
Raymond, Francis, Jr. – July 5, 1865
Hd Qrs 1” Mich. Vol. Infty July 5” 1865 Capt H. D. O’Brien A.A.A.G. Prov Div A of Tenn. Capt. I respectfully ask that no action be taken on my resignation- forwarded to your Hd. Qrs on the 30” of June /65
Scott, George W. – July 5, 1865
Fort Negley Nashville Tenn July 5, 1865 Dear Sister I havent had any letter from you in so long I thought I would write and let you kno how and ware I am i am at Nashville as you will see by this I believe the last time I wrote to you was to Washington
Hutchins, Sabin D. – July 2, 1865
Nashville Tenn July 2nd /65 Dear Sister Here I am again safe and sound how are you I hope that that this will find you as well as it leaves me but why dont you answer that letter that I wrote to you when we were in washington I thought when we were there that we would be at home before this time but this dont act much like it
LaPointe, George W. – June 29, 1865
Hd Qrs 7th Mich vl Infty Jeffersonville Ind June 29 1865 I certify on honor that R.C. Wright Capt Co. G 7th Mich V. R. Infty was Last paid by Maj H. C Grout Pamaster USA to include December 21st 1864 and that there is no [ ? ] ganar him
Clark, Gardner B. – June 28, 1865
Grand Rapids. June 28th 1865 My Darling Husband. Loved Gardie. There is nothing to write this afternoon that I think of but I thought I must write a little so to send another five by the next mail. for I fear you will need it badly before you get there. I thought of sending some when you first wrote of losing that.
Burns, Robert – June 27, 1865
Louisville Ky 5 P.M. June 27th My dear Davidson I wish you would look in my dirty valice and from a paste board enveloped you will find there, extract for me two appraisals for horses which I foolishly left behind.
Fairbrass, Frederick J. – June 27, 1865
Head Qr Army of the Tennessee Office Chief of Artillery Louisville Ky June 27th 1865 Brig Gen’l S. Thomas Adjt Gen’l U.S. Army Genl I have the honor herworth to reccommend 1st Lieut F.J. Fairbrass (“S”) Co 1st Michigan Light Artillery for promotion as Major by Brevet for meretorious service during the War