Knoxville Tenn Jan 13 64 Direct to Roseville Tenn. Hospittle No. 4 Dear Friend. I take this opportunity of writing a few lines to you in answer to a letter that I have Just received from you dated Nov the 7 63 I hasten to reply to your kind letter I was glad to hear that you was about getting a sick furlow
Clark, Gardner B. – January 12, 1864
Moretown Vermont. January 12th 1864. Loved Husband Dear Gardner, Yours of January 5th Leonard brought me this morning. I was in hopes to hear that you had recieved that box. Father heard at Middlesex yesterday that the Army of the Potomac were about to move. That they were going to Harpers Ferry. We also hear that there is a call for one million men for sixty days and it is thought here that if they can be raised that the war will soon close.
Wiser, Alphonso H. – January 12, 1864
Not a Star Must Fall. January 12 1864 In Camp Near Moss Crick tennessee Wall Sina this evening finds me with pen in hand to rite a few lines to you to let you know of my helth which is very good
Wasson, Thomas – January 12, 1864
Waterloo, Ala Jan the 12th/1864 Kind friend: Yours of the 3rd was duly received on the 19th and should have been an- swered before. We started on the Campaign after old Hood, but the weather was so intensely cold that it was impossible to write, infact the only way that we could keep from suffering was to go into our tents and cover up with our blankets. As we were camped close to Nashville, there was very little wood to be got.
Mansfield, John – January 11, 1864
Head Quarters 2 Wis. Vols. Culpeper C.H. Va January 11 1864 Second Auditor of the Treasury Sir: I have the honor to forward herewith a quarterly Return of Deceased soldiers in the regiment under my command during the 4th Quarter of the year 1863 I have the honor to be Very Respectfully Your Obt. Servt. Jno Mansfield Lt. Col. Comdg 2 Wis. Vols.
Bacon, Henry – January 10, 1864
January 10th 1864 Brady Sunday Morning Dear Friend Henry. I recieved your letter yesterday. and it was indeed a welcome visitant. We are all well at present. You said it was very cold there but Henry if it is as cold there as it is here my heart aches for you. All of our oldest settlers say that they never knew it to be as cold in Michigan as it was the first and second days of this month.
Clark, Gardner B. – January 9, 1864
A Kiss Camp of the 1st US.SS. January 9th 1864 My Mary My Own Darling Wife, Saturday eve once more, and it being after “Taps” I know of nothing better for me than writing to my little girl.
Hogmire, Mitchell H. – January 8, 1864
1864 Scots Boro January 8 My Dear Sister Jane i now sit down to let you know that i am well and hopes this will find you all the same way we are mounted and turned into Cavelery so we will not not have to foot it any more i like it Better than infantry i want to get a letter from you and hear from you all
Oliver, John M. – January 4, 1864
Office Military Prison Fort Pickering Tenn/ January 4th 1864 Colonel Oliver Dear Sir On receipt of this I wish you would be so kind as to get the sum of Twenty five from Maurice Royer which I gave him to give to my friends in Detroit and which he appropriated to his own use
Burns, Robert – January 4, 1864
Head-Quarters 1st Brig., 2d Cavalry Dicision, Near Pulaski, Tenn January 4 1864 My dear Davidson A very much disgusted be-muddied and dumpish individual sits down now to address you a few words. Mud surrounds us on every side, we are intent on mud even (Do you see the pun?)
Birt – January 4, 1864
Camp near Washington January 4th 1864 Dear Mother last night we arrived in what we call the land of Rebellion we was five days coming we staid in Baltimore all night it is very cold here though not so cold as it is in Michigan I expect we shall go to the front in a few days right in to active service.
Mills, Samuel D. – December 27, 1863
Camp Near Stevensburgh Va Dec. 27th /63. Dear Friend Kate I now take the opportunity to answer your letter of the 7th which I received on the 14th and was glad to hear from you I had burnt that letter that you wanted me to send to you but let that drop for the present and we will talk about something that is more interesting, I was over to see George Powers day before yesterday
Hogmire, Mitchell H. – December 26, 1863
Corinth Miss Dec 26th ‘63 Dear Frow I having waited for a reply to my last letter untill I am tired have made up my mind to w[chewed away] again it has been two weeks since I have had a letter But probly they have been detained on the road some where the date was Dec 6th.
Clark, Gardner B. – December 25, 1863
Moretown Vermont. December 25th 1863 Dear Gardner My Own Darling Husband. Christmas has come again and with silent language of the pen is the only way I greet the loved one, May another Christmas find us together once more never again to be parted in life.
Bacon, Henry – December 24, 1863
Camp Nelson Lexington, Ky. December 24th, 1863 Dear Mary, this is the first oppertunety I have had since I left Camp Lee to write. I am well as usual & hope you the same. we left Kalamazoo the 18 of December & arived here in Lexington the 24 at night. We left Kalam about 10 o’clock at night & runn down to the Grand Junction. at 3 miles west of Detroit we then directed our discourse toward Toledo, Ohio, at which place we arived at about Saturdaye evening
Winchell, Edward A. – December 24, 1863
Camp 2nd Mich. Vols Near Blains Crossroads Dec. 24th /63 Dear Mother You must excuse me for not writing to you before this if you can for I can not excuse myself I have had plenty of time and the only excuse I can make for myself is that I am such a poor writer and composer
Potter, Charles H. – December 22, 1863
Marshall, 22d Dec 1863 E. P. Potter Esq My Dear Sir, I am in receipt of a letter from the Adjutant General of the date of the 17 stateing that Charley [ ? ] has been seen forward to the commanding officer of the Regt
Wiser, Alphonso H. – December 21, 1863
In Camp Near Clains Cross Dec the 21 1863 Monday Tennessee Wall Sina I just recived a letter from you and was glad to her from you Sina that ring you sent me is just rite for my little fingar it is quite a present Sina the name on it is what I like Sina I hant got anything to send you
Weeks, William C. – December 21, 1863
Head Quarters 5th Mich. “Cav” Stevinsburg Va Dec 21st 1863 Dear Brother Your letter reached me last Eve I hasten a reply. I Judge from your account that the young people are enjoying themselves [ ? ] I would like much to be one of your [ ? ] and purchance nothing preventing I amy obtain a short leave. Capt. Townsend says as far as lays in his power a leave will be given me with the greatest of pleasure.
Ramsdell, Charles H. – December 20, 1863
Dec. 20th, 1863 Dear Father, I am all right as usual except a pair of boots my old ones are beginning to cave and would like another pair just like them for they have lasted first rate.
Clark, Gardner B. – December 17, 1863
Army of the Potomac Near Brandy Station V.a. December 17th 1863 My Mary. My Own Darling Wife. Although I have received no letter since writing you Sunday. I expect one to night. To-day has been a well disagreeable time. But let it storm. it relieves nearly all the ordinary duties of a soldier he can sit by his blazing hearth telling yarns or reading them as he chooses.
Wiser, Alphonso H. – December 17, 1863
Dec the 17 1863 In Camp Near Holston river Tenn Wall my dear wife glad boy was I to hear from you once more God for Give you and I will for I thought you was not a gain to rite any more but this day comes the glad lines from you wall Sina I am on picket to day
Kidd, James H. – December 16, 1863
Head Quarters 6 Mich. Cavalry December 16, 1863 Approved and Respectfully forwarded James H. Kidd Maj Comdg
Clark, Gardner B. – December 13, 1863
Army of the Potomac Near Brandy Station V.a. December 13th 1863 My Own Darling Wife. Last eve I received yours of the 9th many thanks and a kiss for writing me so often. Osman was over to see me to-day he said he was going to have some things from home I wish you would get of my folks twenty five or thirty pounds of butter paying them the highest market price and send me.