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Regiment: 18th Michigan Infantry
Battles Mentioned:
Historical Figures:
Recd answd Aug 11
th 1864
Near Atlanta Ga
Decatur Ala.
Aug. 2d 1864.
Lieut. F. B. James:
With deep
sorrow I received your kind letter
of the 22d inst. Accept my heartfelt
thanks, for the just tribute you
paid my brother’s memory, as
a soldier and companion.
Faults, were his perhaps many
of them but who of us will
throw the first stone? we are
all full of faults. That my
brother never got on in the 52d
in the line of promotion, was
perhaps, not your fault, as it
certainly not lack of military
ability. and intelligence.
But he has gone to his reward,
falling as he would wish to fall
in the thickest and front of
the battle in the flush of victory.
Nobly did your men do their
duty! I sent your letter to
one of our leading county papers
for publication yesterday.
But the terrible news, came
like a thunderbolt. He had
escaped unhurt so long, and
had endured so many hardships
though he was not very strong.
I had hopes he would get through
safely, but the Almighty ordered
it otherwise and I will not com
-plain. These are hard strokes,
but they gives us more to fight
for. We may, almost all of us
go in with the battle cry not
“MacPherson” only but brother.
I do not see how it is
possible to get his coat & other
clothing just at present but I
am in charge of the Pro. Guards at
this place and there may be
prisoners to be sent to their
regiments in the front thus giv
-ing me an opportunity, If you
could get an opportunity to send
them by some sick or wounded
man, or prisoner, guard to Nash
-ville. to be deposited at the Chris
-tian Commission rooms. or
some other convenient place.
I could easily have them sent
only Express as I send guards
there with prisoners, often.
If you can adjust his Final
Statements etc. by
[ ? ] sending you
the proper blanks. I shall be
most happy to do so.
I desire that you send the
ring by return letter, to me.
I think there will be very little
risk in it and I can send it
home from here safely.
Not every officer would have
shown the spirit of a true
gentleman that you have done to
preserving those precious relics,
tho’ of course of very little value of
themselves and sending us.
immediate word and a full account
of the manner of his death.
Accept the heartfelt thanks of my-
-self and family for your kindness.
If you will please send the
articles left of his clothing by some
Christian Commission Agent or
as I
[ ? ] of labeled to my address
and to be deposited in Nashville, if
you should have an opportunity
you would very greatly oblige us
by doing so and sending me a note
that you had done so.
I remain
Very truly Your Obt. Servt.
Chas. A. Jewell
2d Lt. Co. I 18th Mich. V.I.
Lt. F. B. James
Decatur Ala.
Comd’g Co. K. 52d O.V.I.