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Regiment: 3rd Michigan Cavalry
Battles Mentioned:
Historical Figures:
DuValls Bluff Ark July 18
Dear Mother & Father
You will please pardon my
long delay in writing you
and Father This leaves me
well and most of the boys
the same Milan has been havin
g the Dysentery some but is
getting along now Edwin
is on Provost Guard to
day he caught 7 fish and
sold them for fifty cents
a piece While on duty he was
Guarding a boat load
of Grain while he caught
them Now as to the health
of our Regt it is very poor
now the water we get is not
fit for any man to Drink
Andrew Cochran is not
well has the fever and diareh
he looks all right I think
The twelfth are in camp near
here I saw Charley
Luce last night
and Russ Chubback they were
well Now I am going to
send this by McKensy he has
a sick furlough and is going
home on it there is a good many
going home now on furlough
And they say they are going to
send all of the sick home or to
Evansville Ohio and I hope
they will Ben is well and so is
Elder Harmon Hod has been
having the trots but looks better
there was 4 Deaths in one night
out of our Regt none of our
John Bonesteel says he thinks
we ought to get some mail
before long we have not received
any mail in three weeks
Now let me explain to you a
bout the mail there has not been
any boats up the river in two
weeks or more so you see there is
no use of our writing only
when the boats go out but I
want you to write just as often as
ever and I will write as often as
the boats leave here the talk is
now that we are going back to
St. Louis to reorganize and
from there to go to Fort Levenworth
Kansas hope it may prove true
we have no more Horses yet &
I dont believe we will as long as
we remain here Edward Rice
is well Albert is the same but
he has not had a letter from
home in over 6 weeks says
he guesses his folks have forgoten
him In regard to the news in
general there is but very little
The gurilles tore up the railro
track yesterday morning
between here and Little Rock no
injury to the train as they
noticed the break in the track
and prevented any accident
by running off how I would
like to be there to eat Breakfast
with you all this morning
but that cant be and of course
will have to wait until this fall
Some seem to think we will have
to stay another year but I dont
but can stand it if I must
You must see I have to bring
this scribling to a close give
my best respects to all kiss trudy
for me and write me an answer
in return I am going to
write to Jane next mail day
this boat will cary out one for
her Excuse all mistakes
Your son in U.S.S.S M H Hogmire