Foreman, James A. – February 23, 1862

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 5th Michigan Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Headquarters Camp Michigan Virginna Fifth Reg’t Michigan Volunteers, Comp D Febuary 23rd 1862 Dear Dollie You tell me that you have no news to write and that you have written to me so often telling me how bad you wanted to see me that it has become an old story my dear you do not know how much good it does me to have you tell me that I am dear to you or that I am missed How I would like to hear that dear little boy of ours talk about papa Jim you think that the sock of hair I sent you is not as dark as mine was I do not think it is for my hair is getting quite gray how will you like the idea of living with a gray headed man I suppose to that I am growing old pretty fast as all the boys. say that I look to be about 35 years old but I cannot see a change as I am fat and am enjoying the verry best health. now Dollie I am going to answer all your questions you ask me if we get any whisky here we do sometimes when we go on picket that is the only times that we get it from gov it is verry difficult to get it here as no one is allowed to keep it when it is known but of course it some- times gets smuggled into camp about a week ago 4 or 5 of us got some and had quite a time but of course there is no use in my telling you of this as you will hear of it from other sources if not it will be something out of the common. you do not really believe I will never get home to see our little [ ? ] do you. if you do I am going to disappoint you in a month or two. how are you managing now that you have got a room by yourself are you going to buy your own provisions and like by your self. I suppose our pay day will soon be around again when I shall send you more money than I did before. now Dollie you and Alma both want my picture and I have promised it to Alma several times and our folks have not got one of mine. I will get it taken and send to you to see how it looks and then you can send it to her as you have already got a pretty good one and I am going home to you to bother you again and there you can see pretty much how I look yesterday being the 22 we had quite a time on the Potomac we could hear the booming of cannon in evry direction our regiment was called out and formed in square when our colonel read Washingtons farewell address to us and also made us quite a speech he is a fine appearing man about 46 years of age a Lawyer by profession and ranked verry high in his profession. the verry bad weather still continues here and we shall probably be obliged to stay here a long while yet. Yours ever Jim