Fleming, Robert – March 30, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Click here for this soldier’s biography: https://micivilwar.com/authors/fleming-robert/
Regiment: 17th Michigan Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Philip H. Sheridan, Robert E. Lee 9th Corps Head Quarters 1st Div Before Petersburg Verginia March 30th 1863 Dear parents & Friends Well this is a very rainy day Andrew & I are all right yet. The rebels succeeded in surpris ing our boys the other morning Saturday 25, they broke our lines. I see the papers gives a prity correct account of it only some accounts say we cap tured only three or fore stans of colers, there was 8 or 11 I dont know exactly the exact number. The 17th destingusshed it self a gane, there was a whole brigade of rebels came down on them, our boys were behind some old works. the 17 drove them back with terrible slaugh -ter with only the loss of one man killed. Last night Andrew & I took a walk up the rail- road comeing back about 9 oclock we went to bed I thought that I would have one nights rest I just got to sleep when there was orders to fall M. We snatched our rifles and was in lines in some less than no time as we expected an attact, the Capt said there was two spes in camp we were orderd to surch all around the difference camps & arrest eny one we came accrost that was out of his place all at once we saw a rocket go up it had not struck the ground before the air was full of mor -ters it was a splended sight at the same time the musketry opened all along the lines of the 1st Division We ran to our posts as quick as we could. There was awfull canonadeing the musketry was heavy until midnight when it slowly died away then it comenced to rain heard and is still a raining it is a bout two oclock in the after noon now, I dont know whether the rebels charged or not I hardly think they did only at fort hell they might of charged I think rebels fiered from there works, our regt was sent to the river to keep them from throwing pontoon down and crossing at that place. I think Lee wanted to draw some of our force from the left. the yanks are to thick for [ ? ] soot him at that place we have five corps of infty there and about 1 corps of cavalry I think the ninth corps will stay here and hold the works while they go in on the left the 2nd, 5th 6th 25th 24th corps and shirdans cavalry is down on the left. we could here them fighting yesterday. they are at it I should think by the artilry fireing now. it rains so I can here as there is eny musketry. There is a big move on foot now. let the Robels try us at eny time they will find us ready. the fort that they Johnies took our regt poot three lines of abatis in front besids a lot of brush let them try it a gane they will get tangled in the brush come I think. the regt poot them up in the night under a heavy picket fireing. they were very carfull and no one was hurt I think we get all the letters you write Andrew & I received a letter from Thaddeus the other day. I think by the appear- ance of things they are a going to leave the 9th Corps here to hold the lines. I dont think our loss last night was over 20 men From your son and brother Robert Fleming