Dunham, Edwin R. – April 3, 1865

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Click here for this soldier’s biography: https://micivilwar.com/authors/dunham-edwin-r/
Regiment: 1st Michigan Engineers Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Goldsborough, NC, April 3d/65 Mr E W, Curtis Dear Friend I will improve the presant oppertun- ity to write you I arrived at this place March 25th where we found the Engern 1st Michigan Swifts in camp they arrived ther the day previous to our joining them the Reg. Was 62 days Marching from Svannah and without communication they lived entirely on forage they looked pretty hard some were sure fast on the 24 of March the Battallion to which my company belongs received orders to march fulley equiped where we could not tell but proved to be going to Kingston as train guard for rations a distance of 38 miles we effected the march in 3 days and could not ride a [  ?  ] it made Bortwick and me lather to + from but we came out allright it is not understood how long we will lay here but I think we we will leave in a few days I like it very well so far but it is not as easy work as hospital duty still I cant say that I dislike soldiering we drill this after noon and it is time to get ready Tuesday April 4th Our Reg. recieved orders today to be ready to march next monday where we privates do not know but no great distance I think as we only hold the country 9 or 10 miles in our front we get no news therefore know nothing about what is going on I received news from home of the 15th of March when you write tell me what that box contained I dont know it as we get plenty of coffee pork and hard bread I was not very well yesterday but ait no dinner or supper and to day I am better I weight 175 lbs so you see that I am improving in flest we have the meenest set of Officers in our Reg. that ever was premited to live they dar not lead the men into Battle so I can telet our Reg marched 200 miles further than any other Reg during the last campaign it was done by counter marching I hope you still stay at Bridgeport if there is any lettrs there for me pleis have them forwarded immediately it is [       ?       ] to get supper + I must go about it no more this time pleas adress ER Dunham Co “E” 1st Mich Engrs + Mechanics Shermans Army Via N.Y City Accept this from your friend + well wishes ER. Dunham