Congdon, Rollin M. – May 22, 1865

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 1st Michigan Engineers Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Camp near Alexandra, V.A, May the 22/65 My Dear Wife I received your letter + Abs when near Richmond + was glad to here from you, you said you have not had my letters I dont no why they dont go more reguler I have writen every chance I have had. I am still in good health + hope this few lines will find you well we had a hard march from Raleigh here for the weather was hot but I stood it well + am in goo dhealth we passed thro- ugh Peters burg Richmond + Fred- ricks burg I saw that place lib- ey Prison we have heard so much about, day after tomorrow we go through Wasington on re vew + then I shall see the white house as it is called. We are nine miles from washing- ton + after revew I expect we shall soon start for Mich I understand our Colonel says we will be in mich by the 10 if so I shall be home by he 20 I think I shall be by the 4th certain. I have ben expecting a letter from you since I got her but have not had one yhet the, Reg, gets mail every day here so far + I hope I shall get one be fore we leave here,       Lucy I have not much news this morning but thought I would let you no whare + how I am + hope you are well + all of the rest of the folks all so, I will write again before we leave if I have a chance to Lucy good by for this time tell Allie PaPa has not forgoten him + hopes he will be home soon to see him. This from, R. M. Congdon [On Envelope:] Mrs. R. M. Congdon Bradley, P.O. Allegan, C.O. Mich