Clark, Gardner B. – October 5, 1862

Michigan Civil War Collection

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Regiment: 1st U.S. Volunteers Sharpshooters Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Camp near Sharpsburg M.D. Oct. 5th 1862 My own Mary. This morning brought me one of your loved missives. Wrote the 28th 29th which with one written the 24th received a day or two ago. are the only ones I have had since coming here. over two weeks ago. But as I have not written more than that I ought not to speak about it, “All’s quite on the Potomac.” waiting I suppose for “Father Time” to bring cold winter upon us. forc- ing overcoats and blankets upon us in such quantities. that we can not march until summer again rolls around. Death. Wounds. and cowardice have so reduced our Non Commissioned Officers that I shall be promoted to a Sergeantcy. Were I along, for my own self, I woul dnot take it. But in no other way can I show my friends, my standing here. Brewer is gaining fast, and is to be promot ted to 2nd Lieut. which leaves the 1st Sergts place vacant. were I not so independent, I should have it. As it is, it is doubtful. Time will tell. Pay day does not come yet and I do not expect we will be paid off until next month when we will get four months pay. I do not care as I have as much as I wish to throw away by that time. Yesterday we got forty three recruits to fill the Co. to what it was a year ago. and we have had before sixteen. you can see what war does. I believe I claim the honor of being the toughest man in Co. now Brewer is not here. I am really sorry you did not go to Vermont. “Maryland. My Maryland.” reminds of that “Mountain Home” so forcibly that it seems you must like it better than Michigan. I am sorry too your father did not enlist in a new Regt.     I think that new dress a peice of which you sent me is real pretty. and you need to send me your picture, because I am most out. Either they do not wear very well of they find hard usage. The last I carried in my pocket from Har- risions Landing and thus “ducking” it in the Potomac nearly finished it. If there was an artist here I would send my phiz that way. I hardly think you would know me. Good Bye. Love and a kiss Always your Gardner