Byrns, William – June 19, 1862

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 1st Michigan Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: George A. McCall Camp near Gaines Farm Va June 19th 1862 My Dear Florence Still no letter from you. Worry with waiting I will delay no longer. We are today back to our old camp. [  ?  ] yesterday we were at Mechanics ville. We left here at 1 oclk yesterday AM reached them at daybreak. You may be sure we slept but little that night. After we had formed in close column + [  ?  ] arms we lay down for a rest. I took a position under a large tree + regardless of rumors that we were within easy range of the rebel batteries went to [  ?  ]. Was awakened about 10 by the sun which shone full in my face. After a lunch I found a new place + again went to sleep from which I did not wake until an order came for us to march about 5 P.M. We then came back. You remember the old history of the king of France proceedings but we were relieved by Gen McCalls Div which has arrived. Tis rumored that we [  ?  ] the [  ?  ] [    ?    ] tomorrow AM. Have had to quit writing a short time. The rebels for some days have been very quiet + have not answered the challenges sent by our battery. Which is just in front of our camp but just as I was wri- ting the last time on the previous page they opened upon us sending, shell into our battery + camp in a lively manner. One shot-a splendid one- struck the ground near the battery, bounded + just cleared the ridge of my hat where I lay writing + lodged a short distance from which place it was shadily brought as a trophy. I thought it best to take a short walk for my health + if I am called again before finishing this, I will take paper with me. I just saw my Col. Ride away, perhaps he intends taking us out of range. We have a beautiful camp do not care to leave it. Being in good range of the rebels it will be better not to tempt them to use thin however for they will need it all [  ?  ] long. We expect to leave this [   ?   ] of the river. We think that all things are ready-nearly- + that we will pro- ceed [  ?  ] many days. We are tiring of this uncertainty + are anxious to see the end. May it be well with us. If I had your letter thats on the road + could write for better. When you get home you will have more time? How I wish that I could go with you rather than be dodging balls. I suppose its conduct inbecom ing an officer for me to say so, but tis true. I would rather take a trip to Ills. than to Richmond although the one is a thousand the other 6 miles. I try to be contented + am interested in my duties. Charly Parsons is well. Remember me to the friends at [   ?   ] elsewhere. The Col. is coming with orders. In haste, + loving you always Your Will B Not a letter saying what you know of our change from S. Va. [On Envelope:] Miss Florence Clark Care C. B. Adams Mount Morris New York Will Byrnes No 73 June 19” “Before Richmond”