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Regiment: 7th Wisconsin Infantry
Battles Mentioned:
Historical Figures:
Camp opposite Fredericksburg Va.
My Friend
[ ? ]May 23rd 1862
Yours of the 16th inst.
has just come to hand and you may imagine with
what interest it has been read. Day before yesterday
I received a letter from Hon. J. T Lewis Hating that my
commission had just been signed and sealed and that
you was at that time in his office witnessing the same
with pleasure” I have not yet received my commission though
it is quite probable it is in the Colonels hands but I’ll assure
you the kindness and attention shown by yourself & friend
Lewis will never be forgotten by them
[ ? ] your humble
servant. You cannot realize the indignation felt by the
[ ? ] Cadets” (as Col Vander
[ ? ] them) at the thought of
outsider forced upon them when they have [ ? ]
having an outsider forced upon them when they have
[ ? ]
both Col & Gov. to promote from thir own Company,
Who can blame them? You know the mittle of which
Co. “B” is comp
[ ? ] – I believe there is no better in the
service at least I wish to be with no better one hundred
soldiers than there with whom I enlisted from “Old Colubia”
But Sir they have too much “good sense” to be be
[ ? ]
upon by a man who knows that they are all agreed in “not
“wanting him with them as their officer. I have been informed
however that the Col. did not respect there request and that
he has forwarded a recommendation for Lt. Bushnell
but I think from the assurances in both yours & Mr. L letters
they must have been to late
It is a very warm day. mercury I should guess at
about 82+ O. Since I wrote you before we have moved
on about 2 miles & are now encamped on the river
bank directly
[ ? ] the City of Fredericksburg.
The splendid B. R. bridge (Potomac & Richmond R. R.)
which the “Scadaddleing secesh” burned at this point over
the Rappahnock was rebuilt and the cars crossed
over again on Monday last. Now running regularly
between Aquia Creek & the City our troops are
in full possession of this hot seceshion hole and
the soldiers are running the maching shops & mills
on an improved “Yankee plan”. The boys are
usually well & were it not that they have been & are
still yet in fear that the Col influence will send them
the man who has been so anxiously fishing (for I have not
showed them yours & the Judge letter) they would be feeling
firstrate. We are expecting a move all the time
But we have orders for a Grand Review at 2
P.M. this day.
I must Close
Yours truly
George H Brayton
The Lt. Col. has just presented me with
my Commission. All right. Many thanks to those
who have thus proved themselves the friends of the com-
pany &
Your Obt Servt
Geo H Brayton