Bennett, Henry – April 6, 1862

Michigan Civil War Collection

Click here for this soldier’s biography:
Regiment: 9th Michigan Infantry Battles Mentioned: Corinth, Mississippi Historical Figures: Ormsby M. Mitchel, William W. Duffield [Eagle holding shield and arrows] Camp Parkhurst Liberty and UnionTenn. April 6th Now and Forever!Dear Parents it is with much pleasure that I now improve this opportunity of writing two you once more the mail came in yesterday but I did not get any letters nor neither did Si I am well and never was in better spirrits than I now am we are encampt now about a mile southeast of Mulfress burro..Tenn..and have campt wright in a secesh dooregard it is a beautiful place it is a rise of ground and a large beautiful spring when we came here the man asked if thare was any thing that he could give or do so that we would not camp on his ground the Gen..Duffield told him that it was a good campping place and he guess that they could not find any better place and thare was a good spring and it was handy and that he should camp thare and if they done any damage that they would pay for it and are here yet Gen Michel has gon on with his Division and left us here two guard the place as usual but they are not all fool sin the old 9th if they be the out scourings of Michigan for the day after we campt here a negro came and told the Col that thare was some rebel clothing in his masters house I was on guard that day and just come off and up come Lieut.. Col. Fox and the officer of the guard and the Seargent of the guard and the first relief 17 in all went down town we was placed all around the block with orders two let no person out nor in curiosity was up two it highest p[ ? ] I knew that thare was a bird in thare and that they wanted two catch him I kept my eyes pealed and by and by they fetch out some [ ? ] and [ ? ] the white folks kept asking what they was a going two do I did not chose two tell them just then and all a round you could see groups of darkeys huddel two gether and talk and point and laugh but the whites drawed down their mouth as long as your arm after a while we was rilief and we took it double quick two see what they had got once thare they had coats pants shirts for the rebels the making cost 408 dollars they was all sorts and all kinds but they had two have the US buttons on they cant give up the old eagle but the way the wommen talked two the Col is a shame but he did not seam two care what they said they called him everthing but a deacent man and called the soldiers Northen Abolishinst some of the men turned round and damed them up and down and told them what he thought of them but still they had two have their clock a going but before we left they asked the Col forgiveness we put the clothing into the wagon and had not went for befour we saw four of the men and the officer of the guard with the man that owned the clothen we took them up two Gen Michel and he took the man but let us have the clothen they thing a good deal of the 9 we have two several others but cannot write any more now we have several negroes in camp two cook for us but I must close for this time from Henry we have got a man that has just took a man that has ben through the rebel army and he says that he thinks that the rebels will not hold out much longer and that they have not provison enough two last them till harvest but that is no telling any thing about this man he may be a spy and he may not it is not for me two say if he is or not but I almost firgot two tell you that the 9 took the rebel mail the other day and it contained very valubel news it has let out the secret whe has got rebel propperty around here and whare their weir on letter stated that thare would not be any battal thare this was at Corinth and the sesesh here says wight out boldly that they cant whip us for they done shot at Donilson but we wear such fools that we did not know it he said that the North had men and money and that they could carey on the ware as long as they pleased if that is the case secesh is about played out and this rebelon is crushed but I must close for I want two write Mr Anna you must not expect a letter as often as you did not because I dont write but because it cant go through as quick as it did at West Point you must write often for I do and give my love two all from Hank