Thompson, Franklin – April 30, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Rare and Notable

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Regiment: 2nd Michigan Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Oberlin, Ohio, April 30, 1864. My Dear Friend:- Your very kind and welcome letter was duly received, but owing to an unusual press of business, I was obliged to defer the pleas- ure or replying, much longer than I desired to do. I have received a visit from my publisher, and also one from the future Mr. E,—– since I last wrote you, which has occupied my time very much of late, and of course my good friend Sam will parden me under such circumstances. I appreciate your kind letter more and more every time I read it- –and I think I have certainly read it a dozen times, at least. Oh! There is so much in it that reminds me of the past that I scarcely realize that I am my self. No, my good kind friend I never though that it was merely cur- iosity which prompted you to write to me at first for I knew that it was your noble nature which longed to knew something of the poor for- lorn lad with whom you shared so many pleasant and unpleasant hours. Don’t you remember when you and I were both sick for several weeks at a time, and we both applied for a furloughs and you invited me to go home with you? Oh! I shall never forget how badly we both felt when they came back. Yours approved and mine disapproved—I wanted to go with you so much, and I had not counted on the probability of being disappointed. It quite unmanned me, and I burst into tears woman fashion, and you said, “Never mind Frank you will come home with me when the war is over and make a good long visit”—and Ed Hazen laughed at me and said I cried just like a girl. I can remember most distinctly how you looked at him with those great brown eyes, as much as to say “Hazen have you no soul nor sympathy?” God bless you for these words and that look—and I have asked God to bless you every time I have thought of it since. You say that you could write to me a great deal better as the individual with whom you were so intimately associated in the past— well my friend, that is just what I wish you to do—forget that I am other than the Frank of former days and write to me as such, always, and I shall appreciate your letters all the more—only address them cut- side to me. Please dont wait to retaliate before writing in reply to this for I want to hear from you very soon. I remain, Your Sincere friend, Frank.