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Regiment: 2nd Michigan Cavalry
Battles Mentioned:
Historical Figures:
No. 40.
Special Requisition
For 1
st Brig 1
st Div Cav M.D.M.
2500 Horses
700 Mules
[ ? ]
Total 32oo, Annuals
363,000lbs of Grain
224,000lbs of Hay
I certify that the above Requisition is correct; and that the articles specified are absolutely
requisite for the public service, rendered so by the following circumstances: For Issue to
Public Animals
J.W. Kingscott
Capt. 2nd Mich Cav
Quartermaster U.S. Army, will
issue the articles specified in the above requisition
Received at , the of 186 ,
of Quartermaster U.S. Army,
in full of the above Requisition
(signed in duplicate.)
No. 40.
No. Abstract K.
Special Requisition.