Wiser, Alphonso H. – November 6, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Click here for this soldier’s biography: https://micivilwar.com/authors/wiser-alphonso-h/
Regiment: 9th Michigan Cavalry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: November the 6 1864 Stil at Atlanta Georga Wall Now Sina i seat myself this morning to pen this to you to let you know i am well and hope it will find you the same Wall Sina We are now ready now to leave this place for whare i cant tell but our men is a going to burn Atlanta this morning to the ground bfore they can ren Smith was down town yesterday and see the 19 they was all ready to leave and i am glad they are a going to leave this place for the rebs keep the railroade cut all the time so we cant git any rations here now our rig is gon out on a cout this morning and as soon as they come in then we will start for some other part of the country so Sina if you dont here from me in a long time you may rest contented for no one can tell Whare we will go to every thing is gon from here now it may be a long time bfore you here from me a gain but the boys here is all well and ready for ther task let it be what it may be good or bad i think it will last but a short time any how Sina when you git this rite soon and oftan for i hant had but one letter from you sence i ben in this camp this is 8 Weeks now i saw Jim the other day and he said he had ant had any in a long time nether i got one from Georg Joles he and Clark is Well George White said had a letter from his wife to i sometimes think my wife is down on me the reason i cant git a letter if so Sina tell me for i will wate now for a answer from you so good by my pet Gal rite soon as you git this from A H Wiser to Mrs L M Wiser Good by Sina When I lay Down to sleep Nites i lay your likness under my shirt next to my brest and think how i wish it was you wait 13 munths longar then i will be there then my time is out bully for the 13 munths