Winchell, Edward A. – July 1, 1878

Michigan Civil War Collection

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Regiment: 2nd Michigan Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Office of Wickham & Co. Dealers in Fresh Grain and Salt Fish, Lumber, Flour, Seeds, Salt Plaster, Water Lime &c.   John W. Wickham, Jr. Addison H. Winchell        Huron, O. July 1 1878   My Dear Mother I am anxious to know about your arrival at Detroit and health since. My mind has been uneasy since I left you at Toledo and I sincerely hope you are feeling well or at least as well as I could expect. Nothing that has happened in a great while has so affected me as your departure from Huron, and I shall never get over it. I hope it make will make no difference personally in your affection for me for the pain I feel is assurdly heartfelt and I fear will always remain. I carried a letter from you to Lucy this noon, and although I know nothing of it contents, the mere fact of a letter for her arriving before one for me caused a hang. My surmises may be all wrong but my affection is too deep and too unchangeable not to feel [ ? ] anything that affects you. Of course I am well aware of the differences that existed here   and I could not see but that I was homeless to adjust than, and I not only deplored them but they caused me and do now a great deal of suffering. I beg you do not allow it to affect your love for me personally. Let me hear from you as I hall be impatient until I do. I have not heard anything further from Charley, presume you will hear before I do. He knows how much I feel for him and how true I will stand by him to the extent of my ability which I only regret is not greater. Affectionately your Son A. H. Winchell   From my Beloved Son Addison