Click here for this soldier’s biography:
Regiment: 1st Michigan Engineers
Battles Mentioned:
Historical Figures:
March 28” 1863 Walker March 18
th, 1863
Mr Herbert Whitworth
Esteemed Friend
Your much welcome letter
of the 6
th inst was received by me on
the 15 I replied so soon knowing that
it must be very lonely for you seperated
as you are by so long a distance from
your friends and relatives And a word
from a friend at home (though poorly writ
ten) will be cheering to the oft lonely
Soldier We are having some
very cold weather now Last night
and to day there has about eight
inches of snow fallen quite a contrast
to the southern country in which you are
where has already budded and bloomed
nice flowers as those were which you
sent me they are very pretty and I
was pleased to receive them
Sarah Harris and myself
spent the evening a short time since
at your Aunts we had a very pleasant
time indeed Your Uncle was to Choir
meeting but returned about an hour
before we went home They were all as
well as usual at that time
You spoke of the
contrast between religious services
here and in the army yes there
must be a vast difference in the app
earance of the congregation but there
need not be in the true worship of
God It is a great blessing that the
Soldiers are permited to enjoy, that of having
the Gospel preached to them where they
so much need it in the midst of war
and commotion
Since you left G. R.
I have a new Brother On the 16 of Feb
Mary was married Her Husband is a mem
ber of Maj Gen Grangers staff He came
home on the 12 ult and remained with
us until tuesday the 15 inst when he
returned for the army He is sta-
tioned most of the time at Chattanooga
I would like to have you get acquainted
with him You and he will be company
for each other for he is a most excellent
devoted and pious man his name is
Wallace W Middaugh I know you would
like him and he you if you form an
acquaintance Mary sends you one of
her wedding cards we would be happy to
have you call around some day when
you can make it convenient
You say your Aunt asked
you if you had written to two certain
young Ladies and that you would leave
me to guess who they are now I think you
will have to tell me their names as I have
never been to guessing School and there
fore do not understand the science per-
fectly You said that you was
promoted to Corporal but that you
did not feel competent for even that po-
setion allow me to say that if you are
not competent to hold an office
there must be a scarcity of those who
are for few posess better ability than your
self surely a corporalship is not a very
desirable position but still it is a start
ing point and in nearly all things
persons must creep before walking
We are having no
parties Sociables Oysters suppers sleigh
rides nor any kind of amusements now
but have all setteled down like old women
The boys have all gone to war there is
scarcely a young man to be seen around
here Is Mr Probasco and James Wallace
in the same company with you I have
just heard of the death of Fred Porter his
was a short experience in camp life
The snow is still falling and it is very
dreary without
Please excuse this miserable
scrawl I will close fearing I will tax
your patience and believe me to be respe-
ctfully yours Emily Schermeshorn