Whiting, Eber K. – March 11, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Click here for this soldier’s biography: https://micivilwar.com/authors/whiting-eber-k/
Regiment: 2nd Wisconsin Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: I find at times that time hangs so heavily upon me that I do not wonder that those who are so much my senior in years and experience seak to drive the devil away as they term it by indulging first in a Small game, just for amusement as they say and then increasing the stake as the game procedes until it absorbs their whole soul. But as I never take any interest games of cards for money I am frequently deprived of the society of some of my fellow soldiers who might opinions better be spending their time and precious money in some other way for money goes fast in that way and general ly all goes into the hands of a few of the sharpest of them ere 20 days have elapsed after payday and consequently the victims are forced to the alternative of borrowing or giving with an empty purse untill the next pay day which maybe three months ahead. Gambling is positively prohibited by the articles of war regula- ting such things and in our Regiment as well as most others there are special orders forbidding it. But it is like most other misdemeanors mot the gambling but the being caught at it that is punished therefore there are few cases made public although there is no particular [   ?   ] pains taken to hid their actions no one wishing to meddle with other peoples business. Another kind of innocent immusement is novel reading which I do not indulgein preferring to take a social + inocent game of Whyst or euchre but not being very fond of cards I prefer reading what newspapers that come along first. But as they are to be procured at ten cents per copy I cant find employment for the half of my leisure hours in that manner and this will serve as an apology for intruding perhaps upon your precious time But as I do not feel much like writing tonight and as it only lack 15 minits of being time for the taps after which time no light should be burning in camp. But it is now the evening of the 9th March and I am still looking for a letter from you but it is one of the duties of a soldier to be disappointed at nothing therefore I suppose that I should not be disap pointed But there goes the drum and I will to use a military or nava phrase douse my [ ? ] after wishing you a kind good night. Wednesday March eleventh AP 1863 Twelve months today the army of the Potomac wer on their way for the then dreaded Plains of Manassas with high expectations of an having an immor and       fight. But events proved that the day of                 an field      to be delayed untill the 28 -29th 30th of August. But today we are entirely northbound Making it next to impossible for our bold and daring[ ? ] to move              himself saying nothing about       arms and arms supplies But the weather today is fine and I think that       old gal will blow his Bugle and then some     will get but the Lord only knows who it will be but I geel confident that                            knows his business and             will not let him alone only giving him he will clean out the hurt of our at least. But I again find the end of my sheet and will therefore close for the present E K Whiting