Wasson, John – September 5, 1862

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Click here for this soldier’s biography: https://micivilwar.com/authors/wasson-john/
Regiment: 2nd Michigan Cavalry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Riengy Miss September 5 62 Dear Uncal I am now in Dixie when I wrote befo re I was in a hurry we left Colum- bus at 9 oclock in the morning and took the cars and went to corrinth a distance of 160 miles through Kentucy one of the hardest looking tacts of country you ever saw it is allmos a wilderness I did not se a place on the whole rout that would deserve th wane of a village but two Jackson and cor- rinth the country looks desolate and the people look as if they did not care whither they lived or died and there seams to be a want of ener- gy and a carelessness whitch I cannot account for no describe there houses ar build of logs just like your loog barns in Mich. with two Chimn- ey’s one in each end ad the open spare in the middle they use as siting room the whole distance from Collumbus to Corrinth it is a sort of red clay almost as red as brick and the pools of water along the road sides is as red as water whitch you have seen in old rusty pots and sometimes we went 10 and 12 miles without seeing a house the timber is oak and clem hick- ory basswood and good mery other kinds that I did not know al of a stunted nature and good for nothing all the way through Kentuckey I could hardly tell whither the Negroes or the whites looks the worst corrinth is quite a little town but it is no better than the rest as far as beauty is concerned for the streets ar not paved and there is noboddy to water them and the dust flies in a cloud through then all day and our grand rapids merchants would think the streets of corrinth a hard place to exhibit there fancy dry goods in when we arrived in corrinth we went rite up to head quarters and got our supper it was cooked and served by counterbands as black as night I did not se but two white women in Corr- inth and they wer in the hospital we came from corrinth to the regiment in a train of government wagons draw by six mule teens I got to the regiment a bout 3 oclock yesterday and saw Tom he looks pretty hard but he says that he is getting better  quite fast I want you to send me about $2 worth of postage stamps they would not let me go out of the Barracks in Detroit and and in cairo and caollumbus they had not go eny and in corrinth they want sell eny without the silver and and so I have not got eny atall Tom got the letter with the stamps I sent him and I do not think that there is donot think there is eny danger in sending them but I think that you had better send $100 worth at a time Nomore at present Form John Wasson