Click here for this soldier’s biography:
Regiment: 2nd Michigan Cavalry
Battles Mentioned: Battle of Terryville; Fair Garden, Tennessee
Historical Figures: James Longstreet
Camp near Marysville
East Tenn, Feb the 2nd 1864
Dear Uncle
I received two letters from you on the
31st of January bairing the date the 25th of November
and the 14th of December in boath of whitch I found a com-
plaint of my not writing to you any, now this is the first
time I got a letter from you in 11 weeks and I began to think
you had left the state for I have written to you several
times and go no answer ever since we came into East Tenn
we have only got mail about once a month we ar all well
at present but if ever we had hard times it has been since
we have been in East Tenn we have not drew any sugar or coffee
for two months nothing but flour and meal with about 1/4 rations
of meet and same of the time nothing but corn meal alone
we ar geting so we live in regular confederate style we have
had sevral hard fights with Longstreets Cavalry since we wer
here in all of whitch we held our owne on the 27th day of Jan.
we had a hard fight lasting all day long we took 2 pieces
of artilery 100 prisners and drove them 7 miles but our
regt, has lost since we came into East Tenn, 70 men more
than we ever lost in any one campaign before we
lost our capt. on the 27 of Decem he was shot through the shou-
lder and they think he cant live he was shot trough the
thigh at the Battle of Terryville but he got a war clip this
time we spent Christmas fighting and skirmishing with
the rebs the first two weeks of Jan. the weather was extreamly cold
but the winter seams to be over here now the days ar so warm
that bees ar out and grasshoppers ar to beseen and they ar plowing
for spring crops John Wasson
pleas excuse this short letter
for I have no place to write on