Tyler, Cyril H. – October 30, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Click here for this soldier’s biography: https://micivilwar.com/authors/tyler-cyril-h/
Regiment: 7th Michigan Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Oct 30 I said our guns carried a large Slug ball with a hollow at the but So when the powder strickers it it swells the ball and fills the creases and makes it Shoot true  I shot my gun off Sunday and hit a 6 inches through Chestnut tree. The ball went thoug it and a board fence & the gun kicked me over flat on my back and kicked me 4 times after I fell they will Shoot 1,406!! Yds. and kill a man There is a number of light artillery Batteries of Rifled Cannon, all Brass, not far from us They went up to the on Monday river and throwed shells across into the enemys camp and made them scatter like shot. There is but a few sick in camp now. The country from W. up here is not first rate we traveled 25 miles without seeing a wheat field, then we came across a few fields of wheat a great deal of the way there is nothing raised the fences are burnt up for the wood & their hogs & sheep killed large orchards without any fruit in them there is an apple tree near our camp about 3 feet thoug I have seen some of the largest corn I ever saw but its late they just begin to have potatoes. The soil is as red as chalk and dont look as though it would raise anything there is lots of springs here & no wells. Our boys killed a large hog the other night and eat it all up at one meal. I must stop writing now I don’t believe you can read this have no ink to write with ot ide used a pen I want you should write as soon as you get this and tell all how you are getting along with your, and all whats a going on there. Give my respects to all the Boys and tell them I am having a first rate time Good Bye Write soon. Cyril H. Tyler Direct to C.H. Tyler Co. 9 7. Mi. Reg. Washington D.C. Care of pt. B.W. Love Camp Benton Maryland Cyril Tyler Esq