Stowe, Frederick A. – June 8, 1862

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 3rd Michigan Infantry Battles Mentioned: Fair Oaks, Virginia; Seven Pines, Virginia Historical Figures: No 49 Camp near fair oaks Sunday June the 8 1862, My Own Dear Henrietta, I must write you a few line to day, nothing particular has transpired since I last wrote. we were startled this morning by hearing musketry to the front, it did not last long. our brigade was under arms awaiting orders. there was some artilery fireing. I have since learned that a rebel scouting party attack =ed our pickets + tried to drive them in but were republed. our loss was eight wounded + two killed. I had exspected to hear from our Chaplin but what use is it for us to think on expect any thing. but rough life, this we are sure of. as long as we are in the service. I hear cannonadeing now occasionly to the front this forenoon we struck tents + were on the move some where, went to the rail road. half a mile off then up that nearly a mile. + prepared to encamp, but in this we were disappointed. for we were ordered back on the railroad to our starting point + here we encamped. have just got our tents pitched. it look fair for a rain storm, when it rains here, it rains for certain no half way work about it. a person had as well fall into a lake as to be out in one of these rain storms. as to getting wet is concerned, Captain has been busy, writeing to the Friends of our boys who were killed in the battle of the 31st. it was a painfull well as a tedious job we got a mail this morning. all I got was a paper the Herald + it has just come in again I have two papers + a letter from you (I recon) it is post marked Lyons May the 31. the day of our battle. I will now [ ? ] + see what it contains. I have just perused you letter it was of the 30th, yes a little more than a year has elapsed since I saw you. it has been longer than I anticipated. at that time how uncertain, it is to make a calculations for the future. our situation since we left Alexandria has been an unpleasant one. + it tells some on our feelings. but we are in hopes to get to Richmond soon + then we shall have eaiser times. I long to be home + see my firneds as must, as they do to have me come. + I hope the time is not for distante when I shall be able to do so, but I must be patient + a bide my time. I suppose ou have before this seen the detailed account of the battle of Saturday the thirty first May anout report since I last wrote but the loss of our kept in killed one hundred + thirty wounded one hundred + twenty four missing fifteen total of one hundred + sixty nine one more fight like this + there would be nothing left of us. I hope we shall not see any thing like it again. It seems some like home. to see the cars running. Gen Prin (the great Spanish Gen’l who has been figure ing in Mexico) has just passed here. I should liked very much to have seen him. the weather now is very warm. corn is ready for hoeing wheat is heading out. I have been sorry that I could not have given you more of a description of our late engagements but our being deprived of writing material + besid =es was worn out. so that I have not been in a mood for it, + it will have to pass with what you can get from the papers untill I return then I can talk night + day till you are all tired out + tell me to stop well Henrietta I have part finished my supper although not cooked by a Lady’s hand, or of the finest quality nor served in an elegant a style as I have seen. yet it relished well + I was satisfied. you need not fear of my ever getting tired of reading your letters but to the contrary. I wish they would come every day they are welcome little messengers + reminds one that they are not forgotto by loved one at home. they are cheering aids to us in the many lonesome hours we are abliged to [   ?   ] here. I tell you + to hold conmerse with those we have not seen for years it makes time fly [ ? ] to think that each mail bring some good tidings from friends at home I have been called away several times but will now bring this to a close. my bible is in my Satchel on the other side the Chickahorning, + cannot give you any test of hope you will have a pleasant visit in Lebonan. I guess there is no danger of your going over the bay like Mrs. _anger =don remember me to all your people. Mother more particularly write as often as you can with love to you [   ?   ] bid you To Henrietta                good bye, + believe me ever yours Fred PS I know you will excuse poor writing. I take but little pains, in the quality as you well know