Scott, George W. – September 18, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 1st Michigan Engineers Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Chattonooga Tenn September 18th 1864 Dear Sister Met I received your welcome letter of the ninth and was more than glad to get another letter from you for I began to think you had given up writing to me for I haven’t had one be fore in two or three weeks any way but it was welcome when it did come. we are still staying at Chattanooga yet and not much prospects of gitting a way very soon we got started once and got as far as Dalton Georga when we got orders to return we went by rail and was gone all night and found our [  ?  ] back here in the morning so we did not have a chance to see much of the country I was very sory to hear that mother was sick but hope she will soon be well a gan. I am glad to hear of your going to school this fall and hope you will have a good time I am a going to school this fall to but it will be the school of the solger but I am in hopes by next fall I can go to a diferant school our army or haveing pretty good luck now and every thing is giving a long well I think if the copper heads don’t get to thick up north and I scarcely think they will I should have liked to have been to the exhibition first rate and to the wedding I dont see why you could not have invited me but you did not tell me what they changed your name to. it would have been fun if you had got some music on the subject. O dear I don’t hardly know what to write next you know I told you when I came a way that I was a poor letter writer and I guess you will find it out in this letter any way. I havent seen Ike nor the rest of the boys since last spring yes I did to I will take it back I saw Ike a bout a month and a half a go he was her to Chattanooga but I herd from the boys last night they were all well I believe Sabe keeps well yet and full of fun as ever we have been haveing a lot of new recruits laitly one of their names is George Scott only thare aint any W. in it so you will have to be very careful and write the middle letter so that he wont claim them. we bgin to have a little cooler weather now than we have had but it is warm enough yet to sute one I cant think of any more to write this time but I will try and do better next time don’t forget to write for I am always anxious to get letters from you good by for this time              George Scott