Phelps, George – October 7, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

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Regiment: 7th Michigan Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: camp of the 7 Michigan Volunteer October the 7 1864 Dear wife it is with pleasure that irite afew lines to you to let you know that iam well at present and hope thes few lines may find you the same we are alaying in camp to day a doing nothing so ithought iwould rite to you although irote yesterday we are in sight of petersburg and the rebs are now athrowing shells at us but they cant do any harm iwish you could have been here on wednesday evening and herd the shelling if you would not thare been frightend for it was agrand sight we could see very shell as soon as it left the gun and isaw as many as twelve in the air at one time but none of them done any harm it generaly believed that the war is pretty near to aclose but it may last longer than we think for although ihope not yesterday and to day thare has been flags of truce all along the picket line thare fore thare was no fireing on the line idont know of any thing more to rite so iwill bring my letter to aclose isent you fifteen dollars in my last letter and iwant you to rite and let me know whether you got it or not as soon as you can this from your affectionate husband George Phelps