Click here for this soldier’s biography:
Regiment: 7th Michigan Infantry
Battles Mentioned:
Historical Figures:
2 Division 2 Corps Ambulance Train
Camp near hatcher run march the 13 1865
Dear wife inow sit down to rite
a few lines to you in answer to
your kind letter of the 5 which
ireceived this morning iwas glad
to hear from you and to hear
that you was all well irote
to yesterday so ihave not got
much to rite to day but ithou
ght iwould rite alitle and
let know that igot your
letter and that iprized it
verry highly and hope that ican
have that pleasure oftener
than iever have had irote to
guy and to Joseph and to my
own dear wife yesterday and
icant think of any thing to
rite to day only that ihave
been awashing to day and am
quite tired but iwill soon got over
that and then iwill all right
but icant rite verry well now
[ ? ] 140 awashing it almost
night and so imust close
to put my letter in the
mail this from your
affectionate husband
George Phelps
rite every time you can
get a chance to send
a letter to the post office
iwill try and do better
the next time
[On Envelope:]
Mrs. Mahalia J. Phelps
Ingham Co