Painter, William – October 12, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

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Regiment: 22nd Michigan Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Monday 11 oclock Oct the 12th 1863 Dear Amelia of all the writting that I have done since I have ben in the army the letter that I am about to attempt to write is the most hartrending of any William Painter the [ ? ] of Co D was wonded in the battle of Chickamungo on Sunday Sept the 20th 1863 in the ankle and has since had his legg taken of below the knee and the Dr told him this morning that he did not think he would ever get well I hurd the Dr tell him so I was standing near him he called me up to him and said he wanted me to write and tell his wife just how he was I will give it to her in his own words as he relatid them to me as near as I can for I think that it will be the best way to explain his feelings dont you said he Brown I am a used up man I said I hoped not then he said yes I am Brown for I can see it before me as plain as day and he had his sencis as brite as he ever did when in helth this I am shure of then he said if you live to go back to Pontiac and see my wife and children tell them all about me and not keep back anything I told him I would I then asked him how he felt in his mind if he was willing to dye he said he did not know how he did feel but he said that when a man was well he was all rite but whin hu cum to this place he was in a bad fix and he said he must see it Chaplin riteaway I told him I would get one and this minute he is talking to him I hear him say that he new that he was a great sinner but he hoped the Lord would have mercy on him and he believed he would he said he could cry but he felt to bad to cry oh I hope he will find the Lord presios to him in this his hour of afflication and also be a husband to his wife and a father to his chilaren this is the prair of one that loves and respects him as a good soldier and a kind harted friend for such I have ben in the army with him and now to his beloved Wife I would say that while she mornith the loss of one that she so much lovs she can have the asuence that he has allways done his duty and is beloved by all that knew him a Christian my respects to you as a man and a friend to your husband 9 oclock Monday Eavning Oct 12 1863 I just went to see Painter and he told me that I mite tell his Wife that he was happy and willing to die and to bid her and the Children good buy and hoped that God would bless them all and for my part I hope he will this is from S. L Brown to Mrs Hannah Painter through my Wife A.C. Brown pleas Carry or send this as soon as you can to Mrs Hannah Painter and oblige one ho is without in heven before you get this holy name is Wm Painter God bless him From S. L. Brown to Mrs Hannah Painter through my wife AC Brown