Detroit May 1, 1861 My Dear Brother Enclosed you will find a draft on N.Y. for $14.87 which I send for Fanny Davenport. Please acknowledge receipt to her. She will go to Buffalo in a day or two.
Astor House, N.Y. April 30, 1861. Dear Governor Your despatch of the 29th came to hand about noon, today. I immediately telegraphed, in reply, that I would attend to your requests. Accordingly, I called on Gen. Wool, who commands this Department; requested an order for arms and an officer to muster our Wisconsin contingents into service, and I read your despatch to him. The General referred me to Washington which I cannot reach before tomorrow night
Grand Rapids Apr 27 1861. My Own Loved Gardner. It is quite cold to day and the wind blows some, but with that exception it is quite plesant. There is no need sf letting you we are all well for it is [ ? ] that we should be.
Steamer De Sota Chesapeake Bay 10 oclock am Tuesday April 23 1861 Dear Wife I take this opportunity of writing to to you and let you know how we was getting along here we are just entering Chesapeake Bay in about three hours we hope to meet the war vessells that are to convoy us up the river and expect to land about 8 oclock to night [ ? ] a little sea sickness every [ ? ] tis as gay as larks and in capital spirits
Niles, Aug. 7 1859 Dear Cousin: I received your letter in due course of mail and was glad to hear from you and more than all was glad to here that you was well and that you was enjoying and hapiness you stated that you had receive no answer to your leter this is the first that I received from you thare must be some mistake some whare I have not heard from my folks in 2 monts
Troy, June 25th 1857 To the Rector of St. Luke’s Church Kalamazoo, Michigan. The bearer of this, Miss Cameron, whose parents reside in Kalamazoo and are in connexion with Presbyterian Church, has been in some times past a pupil
Monroe Mich My Dear Gordon 1st July 1856 Will you please inform me whether by the [ ? ] of the [ ? ] Dept. I am deprived of my allowance of stationary as well as [ ? ] and I am required by Regulations to send off Six [ ? ] month of my situation and much to my annoyance [ ? ] [ ? ] Certificate and [ ? ] statements on honor.
Canton Oct the 21 1853 Dear Cousin as we received your kind letter I will try to answer it we are all well Clit is so she is around quite well so we toock her over to her sisters last thuresday & Adellbert has gon to the north whare Willie is so that leaves us with but 2 children at home
War Department November 28th 1834 Sir. In answer to your verbal inquiry. I transmit a report from the Adjutant General, which states the facts and principles upon which the date of your promotion was definitively fixed.