Rowe, William B. – October 2, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Bull Gap Tennessee Oct 2nd 63 Dear sister I am enjoying good health at present. in old Tennessee I have not had many opportunitys to write of late Our Regt reassembled at Stanford, K.Y. about the 10th of Aug. & at the same time there was a concentration of the forces under Burnside

Clark, Gardner B. – October 1, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Army of the Potomac Oct 1st 1863 My Mary. My Dear Darling Wife. If is not of “one year ago to night” but of one short month ago to night that I am thinking

Wiser, Alphonso H. – October 1, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

october october the 1 1863 tenn Wall Sina i once more set myself down to rite a few lines to you to let you know ho[chewed away] Wall i am all rite and tite and hop these few lines may find you the same

Slack, Joseph B. – October 1, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Head [ ? ] Co D 16 Mich Vols Camp Near Culpepper V Oct 1 1863 I hereby Ciritfy on honor that the 23 day of Auf 1863 one Bayonet was Stolen from a [ ? ] While Stacked on the Regimintal parade the Company having Stacked arms in compliance with orders from Major Robt T Elliott and that the Bayonet Drawn on Voucher [ ? ] was to replace the Same Joseph B. Slack 2 Lieut Comdg Co D. Bayonet Lost & Certified to

Edwards, Albert M. – September 30, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Philadelphia Sept. 30, 1863 Dear Sir, I take the pleasing opportunity to write you those few lines hoping that they will find you in good health as this leaves me at the present. I am now very held up for a little money and if you should be kind enough to send me two or three dollars you would much oblige

Edwards, Albert M. – September 29, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Washington Sept. 29/63 Dear Sir, At the last payment of your Company you allowed and witnessed the payment of Private Amos B. Cooley when you must have been aware that he was mustered as being in debt to the Gov’t for clothing to the am’t of$35.57.

Smith, Watson B. – September 29, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Hd. Qrs. 2d Div. 23d A.C. London Sept. 29. 1863 Dear Father Since writing you we moved down as far as Sweetwater on our way to support Rosecrans but on reaching said place recd. orders to fall back to this place so returned the same night.

Hogmire, Mitchell H. – September 28, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Corinth, Sept 28th 63 Dear Wife I received your letter last night & the first I have received from you since I left home you & mother seem to think that I have been negligent about writing this is all I have to say I have writen five letters home & if you have not got them I am not to blame the mail has been stoped for nearly 2 weeks on account of the pending battle with Grant & Price. Grant was fearful that Price might cut off the mail & thereby post him in regard to our position

Norris, Clinton F. – September 28, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Nashville Tenn Sept 28” ’63 Friend Mariette This morning finds me well and also feeling good over the letter I received from you this morning. ‘Tis a beautiful morning and how I wish I were in Hillsdale. I think I could enjoy myself if I were only there. But I must not say to much about it for fear you will think that I am really homesick. I am not homesick and have not been, but at times I allmost immagine myself with my friends and assotiates

Clark, Gardner B. – September 26, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Berlin Vermont. September 26th 1863. My Own Husband Love One. Mother came up here with me Thursday and stayed all night. I cannot say I like to stay here as well as I do at Fathers or at Roxbury. it is so much more lonesome. I know the folks are all glad to have me here and do all they can to make my stay pleasant. but then it is so still and quiet. there is nothing to keep me from thinking, thinking all of the time & my thoughts will first fly to him who is dearer them all others.

Burns, Robert – September 26, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Head Quarters 1st Brig 2d Cav’y Div North side of Tennessee River 15 miles from Cattanooga, Hamilton Co September 26, 1863 My dear Brother I have but a moment to drop you a few lines to let you know that I am yet unharmed and perfectly well. We commenced the fight on Friday the 18th and our Brigade was engaged all that day skirmishing with the enemy.

Winchell, Edward A. – September 25, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Knoxville Tenn Sept 25 /63 Dear Uncle We have had quite a journey since you left. We have come one hundred and fifty miles (150) over the worst roads I ever saw up and down mountains and across rivers. Quite a number of our wagons upset coming down clinch mountain and a number of mules fell down dead while going up it was the worst mountain we had to cross.

Clark, Gardner B. – September 21, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Culpepper Virginia Sept. 21st 1863 My Own Sweet Wife. To day has been one of unusual excitement to me. I will tell you briefly the cause. Under an order from the War Department all soldiers now in the field who have served at least nine months that choose to can re-enlist for three years from date, and receive, upon muster into service, twenty seven dollars

Kellogg, John A. – September 20, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Head Quarters 14th Regt N.S.S.M Camp “Philip Schuyler” Va. Sept 20th 1863 Brig Genl. S. Williams Genl. I respectfully ask permission to visit Brooklyn for Ten (10) days. the reason is as follows. I read in the Newspaper yesterday the obituary notice of the death of my Brother from disease contracted in the sinces; he leave behind him an Orphan Child aged five years and I desire to visit home to provide for the present and future wants of the Child.

Clark, Gardner B. – September 18, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Moretown Vermont Sept. 18th 1863. My Dearly Loved Husband. Yours of the 10th came last night for which I am thankfull as I always am to receive your letters. I hope your bunk is a good one and am glad it is wide enough for two for it is best to be prepared for any thing that may happen. no “I cant see it.

Clark, Gardner B. – September 17, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Culpepper V.a. Sept. 17th 1863 My Own Darling Wife. Around me tonight burn brightly the bivouac fires of the Army of the Potomac. The heavy and monotonous rumble of transports and artillery. the hard and somewhat discordant notes of the bugle mingled with the martial strains of here and there a band serenading some General.

Burns, Robert – September 17, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Head Quarters 1st Brigade 2d Cav’y Div Reeds Bridge, Caktoosa County Georgia Sept 17, 1863 My dear Brother Here I halt for a few moments to drop you a line. We are still pushing on as you see. I wrote you on the morning of the 13th + sent the letter to Detroit by Ed Owen who has been compelled to resign. We left Chattanooga that afternoon and crossed the line into Georgia.

Edwards, Albert M. – September 15, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

US Genl Hosp. York, Pa Sept 15th 1863 Capt. A. M. Edwards Dear Sir your Prompt answer to my letter certainly entitled you to as prompt an answer in return, but I concluded to delay until our Descriptive Lists got here my own and Smiths got here only two or three days ago but Wagners has failed to make its appearance yet.

Wiser, Alphonso H. – September 14, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

September the 14 1863 Camp near Knoxville tennes [chewed away] wall Sina as i and all of the boys have the chance of riting once more to these folks and friends Wall Sina it has ben a long time sence I have riten but the reason of it [chewed away] because there has not ben [chewed away] male rout until now

Paddock, Byron D. – September 14, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Head-Quarters Department of the Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio September 14th 1863 Special Orders, No. 359 3,, ,, _ar. [ ? ],, of Special order No. 345. Current [ ? ] frm these Head Quarters is so far modified as to read Lieutenant B. D. Paddock and two Enlisted men of the 6th Michigan Battery are hereby detailed on Recruiting service

Irvin, Charles H. – September 13, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

A. J. McKay Lt Col & A.A.Q.M 14 Army C Stevenson Ala Lt. Col I enclose Invoice of Quartermaster’s Stores, etc., Issued to you as per your Order of the 15th inst

Burns, Robert – September 13, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Chattanooga Daybreak Sept 13, 1863 Sunday, My dear Davidson Yesterday afternoon our Brigade entered this newspaper famous town. It was deserted by the rebels a few days ago. Genl Bragg is retreating we suppose to Atlanta and our army is in close pursiut.

Clark, Gardner B. – September 10, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Sept. 10th 1863 My Own Darling Wife. To day I have been building me a bunk and I have built it so wide the boys have been joking me about it. they say it is for two and you are coming down here. “do you see it.” I confess I cannot hardly yet.

Town, Charles H. – September 9, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp 1st Mich Cavalry Bona Church VA Sept 9 1863 Capt L. G. Estes A. A. Genl 3rd Division Cavalry Corps. Sir. I have the honor to state that at the battle of Falling Waters my Regt captured 2 battle flags. These, by the order of Genl Kilpatrick were carried to div- [ ? ] to be placed in the archives of the [ ? ] but that one of them might be obtained by application made in the proper manner.