Berlin Vermont. December 12th 1863. Dear Gardner. My Darling Husband. I have heard nothing from you since the last battle but thing there must be letters for me at Moretown before now. I am going out there in a few days and Mother and Celia are going back to Roxbury.
Huggins, Allen P. – December 14, 1863
Niles Mich Dec 14, 1863 R. C. Smith Esq Dear Sir. Have you heard from W. B. Smith since Genl. Sanders death. Do you suppose it will make any difference with his promotion. I would like to know before I go any further with mine. If you have heard any thing about it and will be so kind as to drop me a line and inform me I shall be very much obliged.
Burns, Robert – December 11, 1863
Head-Quarters 1st Brig., 2d Cavalry Division, Huntsville Ala December 11 1863. My dear Davidson Some time last month I sent you $260 by Sergt Kendall. I have not yet heard whether it (or they) arrived safely. I have been looking for a letter from you for sometime, but the mails “fail to connect.”
Purdy, Stephen P. – December 11, 1863
Head Quarters 5th Mich Cavy Stevensburg Va Dec 11th/63 Approved and respectfully forwarded S.P. Purdy Major Commanding
Rowland, Oran W. – December 11, 1863
Camp 3rd Mich Cavy Corinth Miss Dec. llth 1863 Aunt Sophia Yours of the 29th Ult came safely to hand night before last and found me in the enjoyment of my usual good health and glad to hear from my friends as soldiers always are. We have had very busy times here for the last half month. Have had lots of scouting and plenty of fighting.
Safford, Charles H. – December 10, 1863
Camp of 5th Mich Cavalry Stromsburg Va Dec 10 1863 Captain I would respectfully ask a leave of absence for fifteen days to visit Detroit Mich having received intelligence of the death of an uncle and that my mother is at the point of death.
Wheeler, William H. – December 7, 1863
Camp 1st Mich Cavly Stevenburgh 7 Dec 1863 Capt CC Snydan AAG CC Sirs I have the honor to solicit a leave of absence for 15 days in order to enable me to visit Michigan
Clark, Gardner B. – December 6, 1863
Army of the Potomac Near Brandy Station V.a Dec. 6th 1863 My Own Darling Wife. Sabbath eve. and around me throng thoughts of the past and its loved ones and visions of the future. where, away from the din and turmoil of war. I may enjoy the society of those who alone make life valuable.
Bronson, Spencer – December 6, 1863
December 6 1863 Camp near Kellys Ford Dear Sister A few days after my last letter was written we started on the march since which time we have been constently every day on the move this acts for my silence of over a week
Clark, Gardner B. – December 4, 1863
Army of the Potomac Near Brandy Station Va Dec. 4th 1863 My Mary. My Own Loved Wife. This is the first opportunity I have had in ten days to put my pen on paper we pushed up the 24th ult. but did not march until Thursday the 26th making our way to the Rapidan which we crossed that night
Plank, Harrison D. – December 3, 1863
Mich Wednesday Dec 3 Camp Ella Bishop Lexington Ky Libbie I am in the very best of spirits I have two other letters 1 from Cay Allison Dated 29th Nov he was at Nashville but did not say that he had bolted with the rest he says his health is very good I shall try not to loose track of him There is not a great amount of news to write
Baxter, Theophilus R. – December 3, 1863
Sparta Tenn. Dec 3th 1863. Dear Daughter Mary I recieved your mothers and your ever welcomd letter last night and am glad to hear that you are all wel I should to step in and eat some sider and drink a few apples now and then just for a change a for a discharge you may just all make your selves easy on that point
Hogmire, Mitchell H. – November 27, 1863
Camp near Corinth Nov. 27th 1863 Dear Wife I received your kind & welcome letters of the 17th of this month was glad to hear that your are well & hope you may be permited to enjoy good health as long as I have to remain away We are all well here now Milan looks tough & hardy tell Uncle Noble he is all right & I think will make a number 1 soldier he stood the fire like a man at Wyor & also at New Albany
Norris, Clinton F. – November 24, 1863
Nashville Tenn, Nov 24th /63 Friend Ettie I received your kind letter the 2nd inst, and as usual, was much pleased with the contents. I think you verry kind indeed to engage a small portion of your hurried moments in writing to me, and will not intrude upon your generous self by asking you to write any oftener than you can conveniently. I looked for your letter two or three days before it came, you see I know about the time to look fo rone, and if it does not come I begin to think there is something wrong with the “Mail arraingement.”
Clark, Gardner B. – November 23, 1863
Army of the Potomac Near Brandy Station V.A. Nov. 23d 1863 My Mary. My Own Darling Wife. As I sit alone in my “Palace” to night looking at a familiar handwriting and looking back to the pleasant past and forward to the dim and shadowy future
Burns, Robert – November 23, 1863
Head Qrs 1st Brigade 2d Cav’y Div Maysville Ala Nov 23, 1863 My dear Davidson I wrote you on the 20th inst by Charly Kendall enclosing a draft for $260. This I write that you may know it is coming. If you receive that first, consider this cancelled. Be sure not to take it from the Post Office.
Potter, Charles H. – November 19, 1863
Murfreesboro Tennessee Nov. 19th 1863 Dear Father Your letter of the 12th has just arrived & I have this moment mailed a letter th the Express Agt at Nashville to have my box stoped there untill farther orders. I think it will get through all right we are on the move now which you see by my adress & we expect to stop some where near Nashville.
Clark, Gardner B. – November 19, 1863
November 19th 1863 My Mary. My Own Darling The Army of the Potomac is yet “In Status quo,” Trains run regular to Brandy Station from Washington. therefore look now for a forward movement if it is to take place this Autumn
Ed – November 19, 1863
Bivouac 2nd Michigan Regiment Near Warrenton Nov 19 Dear Bro. Add I just received your letter and it relieved my mind a good deal for I had not heard from you for so long a time that I thought something had happened to you.
Burns, Robert – November 19, 1863
Head Quarters 1st Brigade 2d Cav’y Div Maysville Ala Nov 19, 1863 My dear Davidson Yours of Nov 7th I received yesterday. Otis sent it to me from Nashville. Yours of the 11th and 25th Oct I also received in due time. Since I wrote you on 27th ult we have been lying here doing nothing. i.e. the Brigade as a command has been lying still but the Regiments are scouting around the country in all directions.
Smith, Thomas – November 17, 1863
Camp Near Chattanooga Nov 17th 63 Dear Friend, Your very kind letter of the eighth came to me tonight and I was much pleased to hear from you and that you were well. I presume there was a great excitement to see who would be drafted and I have no doubt more than one man trembled lest it might be him. I think myself that those who are so anxious to see this war continue would show their zeal to better advantage to come into our thinned ranks and help us fight it out.
Wasson, John – November 16, 1863; December 2, 1863
Winchester Tenn Nov. the 16th 1863 Dear Uncle Your letter of the 2nd of the month came to hand on the 12th and it was the first news of of any kind I had since the 28th of August from home but I found by reading it that there is some letters I never got we left Rankin ferry on the 8th of the month and came to this place it seams like going home to get back here once more Gen. Shermans army has been passing through here two days now
Oliver, John M. – November 15, 1863
Head Quarters Right Wing, Army of the Tenn. 15th Nov 1863 To His Excellency The Govenor of Michigan Sir. Though personally unacquainted with you I take the liberty of addressing you on behalf of Col John M Oliver 15th Regiment Mich Infty. Commdg 2d Brigade 6th Division.
Clark, Gardner B. – November 15, 1863
Army of the Potomac Near Brandy Station V.a. Nov. 15th 1863 My Mary. Sunday again. and an unusually quiet one for those who follow the Grand Army of the Potomac. My “Palace” I finished yesterday ready to live in six months if necessary. Our Corps Commander found it out and this morning before I was up, sent around a circular stating that we would hold ourselves in readiness