Merrill, Simeon B. – April 8, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp near Brandy Station Virginia April 8th/64 Dear Julia I have written to you once since I heard from you but thought that I would write again not knowing when I should hear from you but hope it will be before you receive this I received one from Mary night before last but she did not write how my family were not in particular but said the folks were all well I would like to her very much.

Pointon, Mair – April 7, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp of 6th Wisc [ ? ] April 7th 1864 Dear Brother & Sister Your long looked for letter has at last arrived had almost given up ever receiving another letter from you We are in the same Camp near Culpeper Our duty is picketing and [ ? ] which is not very heavy picket duty

Scott, George W. – April 6, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Chattanooga April 6 1864 How ar Yo[ ? ] I received your kind and welcome letter dated the 24th and was very glad to hear from you and glad to hear that you was well and had commensed going to school

Haskell, Frank A. – April 5, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Head Quarters Co “A” 36th Regt Camp Randall April 5th /64 Guards pass Martin Haskell a Private of Co “A” 36th Regt Wis Vol Inf to Madison on Business for the Compy and return at 3 oclock P.M.

Birney, James G. – April 5, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Major Nichols Pay Master U.S.A. Dear Sir, Please pay to Sergt. McHoain the amount of my rolls for the month of March & oblige Very Respectfuly Jas. G. Birney

Whitworth, Herbert – April 4, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Algoma April 4th 1864 My Dear Corporal I have just finished my mornings work and taken my seat to talk to a dear absent Brother, for a few moments about matters and things at home We received yours of the 21st, on the 1st, of the present month, and at the same time reci- on from dear Will, and I am sorry to say, he had been quite down; so that he had not been able to sit up all the time for a few days

Merrill, Simeon B. – April 3, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp near Brandy Station Virginia April 3rd/64 Well Julia I received yours of the 27th last night it was but five days a comeing from Howell here, I have just eat my breakfast and now I am a gowing to write a few lines to let you know that I am well and able to do duty and eat all of my rations

Fisher, John K. – April 3, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Stephensburg Va Sunday April the 3rd 1864 My Dear sister it was with pleasure that I recieved your letter and Lons photograph and shall return the compliment

Drake, Addison T. – April 3, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Office Depot Wagon Transportation, Chattanooga April 2 1864. Col I have the honor to transmit herwith the following papers pertaining to duty in the Quarter masters Department for the month of March 1864

Lyon, Daniel – April 3, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp 16th Mich Volts. Near Bealton “Va” April 3rd 1864 Miss Bentley Yours of a Recent Date was Received March 30th as I have a few leasure moments this Eavening I will Improve the Time in answering your short but Welcom letter it makes my heart Rejoyce to hear from Friends that are far away, if I was Deprived of the use of a Pen. I would consider my self for ever unhappy. but when I am sad and lonely I can devote my Time in Writing to some one that is far away.

VanValkenburgh, George W. – April 3, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp of the 23rd Mich Sunday, April 3rd, 1864 Dear Wife, if being Sunday and there not being any duty to do it is quite lonesome so I thought I would write a few lines to let you know that I was well and enjoying myself first rate

Slater, William – April 3, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Virginia April 3 1964 Ann Clark[ ? ] your notes [ ? ] that you had not received that came from me that I had on I am sorry for it but I expected it [ ? ] home would have come down

Scott, George W. – April 3, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Chattinooga Sunday Evening April 3d 64 How do you do Met I am well at present and hope these few lines may find you the same and the rest of the folks a getting well I have been up on Mt. Lookout

Merrill, Simeon B. – April 1, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp Near Brandy Station Virginia April 1st/64 Dear Wife I received yours of the 23rd last night was glad to hear that my little family were well as this leaves me at present George was a little disappointed when he opened the letter and saw that it was for me I was not with them that evening I was on gard I had come off and was in the gard house to sleep

Paddock, Byron D. – April 1, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Capt BD Paddock Batty F 1st Reg & Mich Lt Artilly Knoxville Ten Captain Below please find named and date of Muster of Recruits in your Battery, as per your request of March 23rd 1864

Weston, Adelbert H. – April 1, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Camp near Stephenburg Va. Apr 1st 1864 Aunt Della Yours of March 6th I recd. the 18th after I got around from our Raid or Kilpatrick’s great Raid toward Richmond. You probably saw an account of it in the papers. I was in deed verry sorry to hear such news as you had to tell me. That is the way we all must go sooner or later and all that is required of us is to be prepared.

Graves, Ira – April 1, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Cleaveland [ ? ] Tenn April 1st 1864 Miss Clara I received your last letter and thought as I had nothen to do I would ancer it I am glad to hear that your ar all well. I am afraid that I anthan will halve a hard time for the first start

Mizner, John Kemp – March 30, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

I hereby certify, on honor, that I am on detached service by authority of [ ? ] Order NO. 17 dated 20 Mar 64 Headquarters of Br Genl Davidson West Div. Cav. Bureau JK Mizner Col 3d Mich Cav I hereby certify that I have seen and noted this payment in the above mentioned Order.

Merrill, Simeon B. – March 29, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp Bullock Virginia March the 29th /64 Dear Wife I thought that I would write a few lines in reply to your ever welcome letter of the 20th I received it the 27th was glad to hear that you and Freddie were so smart. how I would like to off seen him dressed up in his pants and short dress that Sunday a making fun for you.

Beardslee, Clark H. – March 28, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp, 7th Mich. Cav. Stephensberg, Va March the 28th /64 Dear. Friend Pheby, I received your letters of March the 17th last night and you may believe I was glad to hear from you and hear that you was well I have ben on picket

Wasson, John – March 28, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Cleveland East Tenn March the 28th 64 Dear Uncle Your letter of the 10 inst. came to hand being oly 7 days on the road I delayed writing till I found out how the regt was going on the vetran enlistment I think they will go home as a vetran regt in a short time

Merrill, Simeon B. – March 27, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp Bullock March 27th 64 Dear Wife I must tell you that I have got back to my Regiment I came back yesterday feel pretty smart but not able to do very hard duty but shall be in a few days, I had not been in camp not more than one hour before who should come in but Thomas and Watson dident

Phelps, George – March 27, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

March the 27 1865 camp near Stevensb Va Dear wife it is with pleasure that inow sit down to wright afew lines to you to let you know that iam well at present and hope thes few lines may find you the same we have verry fine wether here at present but it has been verry rough ireceived alettr from you last night

Knapp, Charles – March 27, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp 16th Mich Infty Va. March 27th/64 Dear Cousin As I have nothing else too do so I will write and it is a good implayment as I can find. there is nothing going on of any news except that the Army is reorganized in 3 corps the 1st, 5th, 6th, and 2nd the 1st and 3rd are broken we are in the 5th Corps as usual but are in the 1st Brigade instead of 3rd. Gen Warren commands and his Head Qrs at Cullpepper. Gen Grant is here