Nims, Hannibal H. – Undated

Michigan Civil War Collection

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Regiment: 10th Michigan Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Camp [ ? ] Ga Dear Wife I have sat looking in the far for the last ten mintues wondering whether you had been able to read all the letters that I have written since I come to this Camp it seems to me as if there must be a stack of them I have written every day that I have felt blue & gay every day that I have felt gay and as it has been about every other day you have both sides of all questions yesterday I had a little headache & was blue but strange to say I did not write to day I am all right & am writing We are having very nice weather here pleasant and when we here of the awful cold that you are having north it takes away part of longing for home that we always feel when doing nothing We cannot tell yet whether we are to go home or not but I think we shall yet shall get away about the 10th of Feb if we are not to stop in Det anymore than the 16th did I hope to meet you all at home for we should get to [ ? ] the next day move & they ought to give the boys a hearty receptions But if we are to remain in Det Any time Wm probably can find out for you I should expect to meet you at Russell House You can find out where our Headquarters are to be from the papers before we get there so that you tell whether to come to Det or not I presume if you decide on Det that Wm & Frank & perhaps Mrs Woods & Lucinda will come with you I hope we shall not stop in Det for I had much rather you folks would give the boys a nice reception and they can afford too it has saved some of them $300 probably I will write you as soon as we know any thing soon & I think it will be to morrow I cannot write more [ ? ] on sheet where pen is so [ ? ]