Hogmire, Mitchell H. – December 9, 1862

Michigan Civil War Collection

Click here for this soldier’s biography: https://micivilwar.com/authors/hogmire-mitchell-h/
Regiment: 3rd Michigan Cavalry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Frederick Steele, Sterling Price Tuesday Dec 9th Holey Springs Dear Wife I have got able to go to my Regt got a discharge from the Hospital & am now waiting a chance to go the provition train will be in tomorrow & then I go to the boys they have done some hard fighting but I heard that none of them have been killed they have taken over 700 prisoners & a sargeant told me that the Colonel Commanding got word that Price had surendered his whole army to Gen. Steel & I dont doubt it for they desert from him by hundreds 200 came in here & took the Oath & have gone home Jane I wrote you a letter last week & one to Uncle Noble & Peter Arnold to you Thursday the 4th now dont wory about me or my writing for it may quite a long time before I can send a letter to you again but will write as often as I can I presume I have some male from you out at the Co they are some 50 miles from here Grants head quarters is at Oxford 35 miles from here & the Cav is after Price they are 30,000 strong & steel is on the other side of Price when you answer this let me know how they get along on the Potomac if Price has give up you may look for us home bfore long for it is a general opinion that this war must close bfore long for the Rebs have gone up in the west tell Duane to write all of the news. Since I have been sick I have thought of home much but I cant say that I have been homesick for I have had the best of care Now you will have to Excuse Brevity for I have not mutch to write give my best respects to all & kiss little Trudy for me a word to mother your kind letters I love to get for they are filled up with good advice such as none but a moth can give write often & Vickey you must write too & have the Old Rooster fatted for us when we come home for I think we will be able to tell you some fine storyes To you all from M. H. Hogmire